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land governance

October 2, 2017Knowledge Portal
Exploring future changes in land use and land condition and the impacts on food, water, climate change and biodiversity

This policy report provides scenario projections for the Global Land Outlook, exploring future changes to the use and condition of land and the resulting impacts on food, water, climate change and biodiversity. In all three scenarios, the pressure on land is projected to increase in Sub-Saharan Africa. »

September 25, 2017Knowledge Portal
Global land outlook

This publication addresses the future challenges and opportunities for the management and restoration of land resources in the context of sustainable development. The current pressures on land are huge and expected to continue growing. It is clear that the next few decades will be the most critical in shaping and implementing a new and transformative global land agenda. »

August 8, 2017Knowledge Portal
Women’s land rights as a pathway to poverty reduction: A framework and review of available evidence

This report reviews the literature on women’s land rights and poverty reduction. Despite the large body of literature on the relationship between land tenure security, livelihoods, and poverty, most of this literature is based on household-level data and does not consider possible intra-household inequalities in land ownership. »

August 2, 2017Knowledge Portal
Agribusinesses, smallholder tenure security, and plot-level investments

This working paper investigates how a decrease in the share of land held by an agribusiness in a village affects smallholder plot-level tenure security and investments in rural Tanzanian villages. A large number of agribusinesses that acquired agricultural land in many sub-Saharan African countries have reduced or ceased their operations in recent years. »

July 26, 2017Knowledge Portal
Integrated agricultural landscape management: Case study on inclusive innovation processes, monitoring and evaluation in Tanzania

This article describes the process, the results, challenges, and lessons emanating from applying integrated agricultural landscape management (IALM) processes in innovation platforms. Integrated landscape management is a process for achieving multiple objectives related to agricultural production, ecosystem conservation, and sustainable natural resource management. »

July 17, 2017Knowledge Portal
Improving accountability in agricultural investments: Reflections from legal empowerment initiatives in West Africa

This report focuses on the role of legal empowerment and grass root action to change the way investments in natural resources are happening and to protect rights and the environment to ensure more sustainability. A recent surge in agribusiness plantation deals has increased pressures on land in many low- and middle-income countries. »