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Country fact sheets on land governance and food security updated and extended
June 24, 2016Study
Country fact sheets on land governance and food security updated and extended
Theme: Land Governance

Updated country fact sheets on land governance and food security are now available for download on the LANDac website. As part of the joint knowledge agenda on land governance and food security, the fact sheets – originally compiled in 2012 – have been updated and were extended to better include food security. »

International seminar Landscape Governance, Spatial Planning and Finance
June 20, 2016News
International seminar Landscape Governance, Spatial Planning and Finance

On Wednesday June 29, Wageningen UR Centre for Development Innovation is organizing a seminar on “Landscape approach to Governance, Planning and Finance”, in the context of LPFN’s visit to the Netherlands. »

Discussion meeting on food security effects of floriculture in East-Africa
June 16, 2016Knowledge activity
Discussion meeting on food security effects of floriculture in East-Africa
Theme: Land Governance

On June 9, the Dutch Ministry of FA hosted a presentation about the scoping study, “Flowers for Food?” conducted by LANDac)/IDS Utrecht University and the Platform. Around 30 participants attended the presentation, mostly representatives from different government agencies, and a number of experts from academia, NGOs and certification bodies. »

May 3, 2016Knowledge Portal
Addressing the yield gap in rainfed crops: a review

This article in the Agronomy for Sustainable Development Journal explores some of the existing methods to assess potential grain yield, the size of the gap between average and rainfall-limited potential yield and to suggest pathways for future gains in crop yields in the presence of soil degradation, climate change and seasonal variability of rainfall. They focus mainly on cereal and grain legume crops but recognise that oilseed crops such as canola and mustard play an important role in many rainfed cropping systems. »

April 12, 2016Knowledge Portal
Developing gender‐equitable legal frameworks for land tenure: A legal assessment tool

This legal paper states that effective policy and legal advice requires a clear understanding of the gaps and discrepancies in the policies and legislation pertaining to gender and land. It aims to deepen the understanding on women’s access to land and to analyse how adjustments in the legal framework regulating women’s land tenure can promote their economic empowerment and ultimately generate more productive agricultural systems. »

March 24, 2016Knowledge Portal
Food security, gender and resilience: Improving smallholder and subsistence farming

This book focuses on how food security and resilience can improve smallholder and subsistence farming and how integration of gender can accommodate this. Through the integration of gender analysis into resilience thinking, this book shares field-based research insights from a collaborative, integrated project aimed at improving food security in subsistence and smallholder agricultural systems. The scope of the book is both local and multi-scalar. The gendered resilience framework, illustrated with detailed case studies from semi-arid Kenya, is shown to be suitable for use in analysis in other geographic regions and across disciplines. »