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March 31, 2015Knowledge Portal
Kenya-Dutch PPP puts new twist on ancient farm technology

SNV Kenya and the Dutch company Land Life Company joined in a public-private partnership to improve the water efficiency and survival rates of young trees in dry-land Kenya. For avocado trees as well as mango trees, a Land Life Box is provided, a donut-hole centred box that delivers water slowly and over time to the »

March 31, 2015Knowledge Portal
Nanotechnology in agriculture, livestock, and aquaculture in China: A review

Nanotechnologies have been less developed in agronomy than other disciplines, due to less investment, but nanotechnologies have the potential to improve agricultural production. In this article at Springer Link (PDF), the authors review more than 200 reports on nanoscience in agriculture, livestock and aquaculture in China since the 1990s. The major findings of the research are: »

March 31, 2015Knowledge Portal
Biodigesters to improve milk production in Bolivia

In this project in Bolivia with financial support from Hivos and the technical support of SNV, a technology is used to convert dung into biogas that can be used for cooking and lighting. The slurry left over from this process is used as an organic fertilizer in order to increase the existing pasture yield and »

March 31, 2015Knowledge Portal
Digging deeper: inside Africa’s agricultural, food and nutrition dynamics

This book published in the African Dynamics Series of the African Studies Centre Leiden with contributions of a large group of researchers, attempts to ‘dig deeper’ into what is currently happening in Africa’s agricultural and rural sector and to convince policymakers and others that it is important to look at the current African rural dynamics »

March 30, 2015Knowledge Portal
Assessing societal changes from changing dairy value chains in Sahelian pastoral communities

In this article by ILRI, a method is introduced that is being tried out in Senegal to measure the social impacts of dairy supply chain innovation in pastoralist societies. To collect and add value to milk from local herders and to help meet increasing demand for milk products in Dakar, a dairy plant has adapted its supply chain to the social customs of the Fula herders of this region. »

March 30, 2015Knowledge Portal
Optimum crossbreeding systems for goats in low-input livestock production system in Kenya

This study in the Small Ruminant Research, aimed to maximize the amount (kg) of high value meat arising from surplus males and females per kilogram of the goat population and, maximize weight gains to turnoff age. Subsequently, the study aimed to decrease turnoff age, maximization of reproduction rates and minimization of the mature weight of »