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May 14, 2015Knowledge Portal
The most critical scientific & technological breakthroughs required for food security & agricultural development

The main purpose of the 50 Breakthroughs study by LIGTT is to identify where game-changing technologies for sustainable development are most required. The study’s main objectives are to: 1) foster a thought-provoking conversation about the role of technology in solving the world’s most pressing problems, 2) provide contextual background for technologists; and 3) provide decision-makers a guide to asking the hard–but important—questions. »

May 14, 2015Knowledge Portal
Making Agricultural Innovation Systems (AIS) work for development in tropical countries

This paper (PDF) in Sustainability aims to identify gaps in current capacities and the development needs as perceived by stakeholders involved in national and regional Agricultural Innovation Systems (AIS). Three regional needs assessments undertaken by Tropical Agricultural Platform (TAP) and its partners. The surveyed tropical regions were Southeast Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa and Central America. The »

May 12, 2015Knowledge Portal
Global trends in antimicrobial use in food animals

This study by experts from Princeton University, ILRI and other institutions is the first to measure global antibiotic consumption by livestock. Antimicrobials are used in livestock production to maintain health and productivity, however these practices contribute to the spread of drug-resistant pathogens in both livestock and humans, posing a significant public health threat. The paper »

May 11, 2015Knowledge Portal
East African dairy farmers implement innovative livestock insurance

This article by Northrift News highlights an innovative livestock insurance project for dairy farmers in Kenya. East African dairy farmers who have opted for crossbred or exotic animals face the challenge of how easily the animals die due to hunger, disease or other factors, compared to hardy indigenous animals. The crossbreeds and exotics are often a liability, »

May 11, 2015Knowledge Portal
Global assessment of manure management policies and practices

This study (PDF) by the Livestock and Manure Management Component, part of CCAC, studied manure management policies and practice in 34 developing countries (in Asia, Africa and Latin America). Furthermore, an in-depth assessment of manure management practices in Bangladesh, Viet Nam, Ethiopia, Malawi, Argentina and Costa Rica was conducted. The focus of the report is on the global challenge of reducing climate emissions from livestock while improving food security and livelihoods. »

April 22, 2015Knowledge Portal
Grow the city: innovations in urban agriculture

This issue (PDF) of Urban Agriculture Magazine highlights innovations in urban agriculture and was made in collaboration with GROW the city, a project supported by Oxfam Novib, and coordinated by RUAF Foundation with ETC foundation and Wageningen UR. »