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October 26, 2018Knowledge Portal
What works to increase smallholder farmers’ income? A landscape review

This report aims to answer the question: “What are the most effective actions that lead buyers can take to enable smallholder farmers in global supply chains to meaningfully increase their incomes?”. Results showed  that it is possible to raise farmer incomes through existing interventions to a degree.  »

July 28, 2018Knowledge Portal
Agricultural input subsidies for improving productivity, farm income, consumer welfare and wider growth in low- and lower-middle-income countries

This systematic review evaluates the impact of input subsidies on agricultural productivity, beneficiary incomes and welfare, consumer welfare and wider economic growth. Results show that subsidized fertilizers and seeds are associated with increased use of these inputs, higher agricultural yields and increased income. »

May 14, 2018Knowledge Portal
Emergency vegetable seed interventions: Can we expect improved nutrition and income generation among beneficiaries?

This report examines whether vegetable seed interventions lead to better family nutrition and help families generate income during a crisis. The article states that it still does not know if and how vegetable seed interventions impact beneficiaries’ nutritional status and income in either the short or long term. »

May 30, 2017Knowledge Portal
Container gardens to meet vegetable needs during dry season for reproductive age women and their children in northern Ghana

This article investigates the feasibility of producing widely consumed iron rich vegetables using container gardens during the dry season in Ghana. These container gardens can help to overcome limited irrigation capacity and access to land. »

March 1, 2017Knowledge Portal
Effect of non-farm work on agricultural productivity: Empirical evidence from northern Ghana

This working paper (PDF) from UNU-WIDER investigates the factors influencing participation in non-farm work and the effect of participation on farmers’ productivity, using survey data from 300 smallholder farm households in northern Ghana. »

July 28, 2016Knowledge Portal
Adressing women’s work burden: Key issues, promising solutions, and way forward

This factsheet discusses women’s triple work burden in the household, as producers and at community level. The competing demands linked to this triple role make women time poor. This affects their quality of life and decision making, puts their health at risk and prevents them from taking full advantage of economic opportunities through engagement in income generating activities. »