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February 28, 2019Knowledge Portal
Women’s empowerment in agriculture: Lessons from qualitative research

This paper synthesizes qualitative research conducted conjointly with quantitative surveys, to develop a project-level Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture Index (pro-WEAI). Economic status was an important component, meaning that empowered women can take care of themselves, their families, and their communities. Conceptions of empowerment among researchers may diverge from those of rural women and men in different contexts. Future development programming and research should be more sensitive to the norms and beliefs shaping rural livelihoods to improve outcomes »

February 27, 2019Knowledge Portal
Opportunities for strengthening gender and social equity in Ethiopia’s wheat sector

This report outlines how an insufficient focus on the barriers women face continues to have a significant impact on the agricultural productivity, economic growth and food security in Ethiopia. Many government and project partners do not know how to assist with the social and gender norm changes necessary to ensure women can benefit from development equitably. »

February 26, 2019Knowledge Portal
African indigenous vegetable seed systems in Western Kenya

This study collected seed samples and survey data from 127 farmers in western Kenya on their African indigenous vegetable (AIV) seed production practices, uses of AIV seed, and motivations for growing seed. This study speaks to the importance of using localized information to develop programs for improving informal seed systems and continuing to employ gender-sensitive and transformative activities. »

Next round in funding senior CGIAR experts
February 20, 2019News
Next round in funding senior CGIAR experts

Senior Experts, employed by Dutch research organizations and involved in CGIAR research or management, are offered a chance to spend (more) time on their CGIAR activities. The call to cover some of their personnel costs has been reopened with an adjustment in requirements for the Senior Expert. The deadline for the next assessment round is June 4, 2019. »

January 17, 2019Knowledge Portal
Gendered ownership of aquaculture resources: Insights from two villages in Bangladesh

This brief uses a gender lens to understand the nuanced gaps, perceptions and practices of ownership in aquaculture in Bangladesh. In Bangladesh, however, there remains a large gendered gap in asset ownership. Ownership is perceived and experienced differently by men and women: women more often experience psychological ownership while men more frequently claim legal ownership »

December 20, 2018Knowledge Portal
Equity, empowerment and gender relations: A literature review of special relevance for climate-smart agriculture programming

This brief summarizes the results of a literature review on equity, empowerment and gender relations for climate-smart agriculture (CSA) programming. A wider and more equitable gender sensitivity is now seen amongst policy makers and local government, with a corresponding enhanced and out-scaled uptake on CSA. »