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How does the Fruit and Vegetable Sector in low- and middle-income countries contribute to Food and Nutrition Security?
July 2, 2015Study
How does the Fruit and Vegetable Sector in low- and middle-income countries contribute to Food and Nutrition Security?
Theme: Valuable Vegetables

A short study focused on the question of whether and to what extent investments, interventions and the development of the Fruits & Vegetables Sector in developing countries contribute to enhanced food and nutrition security. »

Knowledge agenda Fruits & Vegetables Sector and Food & Nutrition Security
July 2, 2015
Knowledge agenda Fruits & Vegetables Sector and Food & Nutrition Security

Based on input from interested stakeholders and the recently published LEI-WUR report, “How does the Fruit and Vegetable Sector contribute to Food and Nutrition Security?” the Food & Business Knowledge Platform (F&BKP) Office will organize a process to identify the next steps of a joint knowledge agenda on the Fruits & Vegetables Sector. Organizations, companies »

June 29, 2015Knowledge Portal
Information networks among women and men and the demand for an agricultural technology in India

In this discussion paper by The International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), agricultural information networks among men and women are analyzed by using gender-disaggregated social network data from Uttar Pradesh, India. »

June 18, 2015Knowledge Portal
Responding to crop failure: Understanding farmers’ coping strategies in Southern Malawi

This article in the Sustainability Journal examines farmers’ coping strategies for crop failure and the determinants of their choices using household level data from rural southern Malawi. The results of the study highlight that farmers are not responding directly to climate variability, but to crop failure, which is influenced by climate stress, as well as »

June 11, 2015Knowledge Portal
The new Gender and Land Rights Database: a hub of information on gender-equitable land tenure

FAO has re-launched its Gender and Land Rights Database (GLRD). The database consists of several main sections: country profiles and gender and land-related statistics. Furthermore, a new Legislation Assessment Tool is included, which offers 30 indicators for measuring progress towards gender equity in land tenure in national policy and legal frameworks. The database provides information, »

June 11, 2015Knowledge Portal
Gender opportunities and constraints in inclusive business models: the case study of Unifrutti in Mindanao, Philippines

This publication (PDF) by FAO adds to the debate around whether private investment in agriculture contributes to production growth, poverty reduction, food security and gender equality by case studies in the Philippines. Data and information were collected via key informant interviews, focus group discussions and direct observation. The report shows that investment models and contractual arrangements implemented by Unifrutti – a major private company producer, processor and exporter of pineapple and banana in the Mindanao Region – have had positive implications for the livelihood of the rural communities involved. »