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October 20, 2017Knowledge Portal
Financing women farmers: The need to increase and redirect agriculture and climate adaptation resources

This briefing paper finds that governments and donors are failing to provide women farmers with relevant and adequate support for farming and adapting to climate change. Oxfam conducted research on government and donor investments. »

September 12, 2017Knowledge Portal
Counting the hours: The challenges of measuring time use

This blog discusses the challenges associated with collecting time-use data in developing countries. Data from Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture Index surveys are used to compare the most commonly used methods of data collection to measure time: stylized survey questions and time diaries. »

September 4, 2017Knowledge Portal
Women’s economic empowerment and agribusiness: Opportunities for the gender transformative agenda

This report explains the extent to which donor-supported agribusiness initiatives engage with the gender transformative agenda. A methodology for analyzing agribusiness projects from a gender perspective was developed to review gender-related initiatives at the field level and in project management. »

August 28, 2017Knowledge Portal
Gender, climate change, and resilient food systems: Lessons from strategic adaptation by smallholder farmers in Cameroon

This discussion paper aims to understand how men and women in Cameroon differ in their vulnerability to and their coping strategies for climate change impacts. According to respondents, climate variables such as the timing and length of the rainy season had changed, affecting crop production of both men and women. Women were shown to be more vulnerable than men. »

August 23, 2017Knowledge Portal
Female-led enterprise & agribusiness development

This blog elaborates on the positive impacts of female-led enterprises and agribusiness development for delivering sustainable development. The author, Raymond Brandes, believes that climate change adaptation and mitigation, nutrition, women’s economic empowerment and gender equality are important cross-cutting issues to be addressed in agribusiness agendas. »

August 21, 2017Knowledge Portal
Gender mainstreaming in agribusiness partnerships: Insights from 2SCALE

This paper shares 2SCALE ‘s approach to gender, highlights case studies, and outlines lessons learned. Since its inception in 2012, 2SCALE has made significant progress in getting the whole program team to mainstream gender in their activities. »