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fruits and vegetables

December 20, 2017Knowledge Portal
Pathway analysis of vegetable farming commercialization

This article analyzes factors that determine farmers’ intention to commercialize vegetable farming; and the effect of commercialization on farmers’ income in four major vegetable producing regions of Eastern Indonesia. Results indicate that commercial vegetable farming provides economic advantage in terms of increased income and benefits for the whole rural community. »

November 29, 2017Knowledge Portal
An assessment of constraints faced by the farmers in peri-urban vegetable cultivation

This article identifies key production constraints faced in peri-urban vegetable cultivation in India. The constraints in practicing peri-urban agriculture were enlisted from practicing farmers, agricultural scientists, and also from literature. Further, all the identified constraints were categorized into five groups: technological, economic, labour, marketing and environmental constraints. »

November 29, 2017Knowledge Portal
The use of urban plant resources for health and food security in Kampala, Uganda

This PhD dissertation aims to provide an understanding of the current and potential contribution of urban plant resources to human wellbeing (with a focus on food security) in Kampala, Uganda. With some of the highest urbanization rates in the world, Sub-Saharan Africa faces serious challenges in providing sufficient, healthy and affordable foods for its growing urban populations. Urban biodiversity can provide people with healthy food products in addition to other ecosystem services. »

October 31, 2017Knowledge Portal
Modern agri‐food systems, horticultural employment and women’s empowerment

This working paper addresses the question of female empowerment through horticultural employment. The transformation of global agri-food systems has led to the increased establishment of export-oriented horticultural plantations in developing countries. These production sites provide employment opportunities for women in rural areas. »

October 9, 2017Knowledge Portal
Tapping the economic and nutritional power of vegetables

This review article explores the potential for vegetables to provide new opportunities for economic growth for smallholder farmers in low-income countries and to advance food and nutrition security for consumers. »

September 28, 2017Knowledge Portal
Development of market opportunities through post-harvest processing of the African indigenous vegetables in Tanzania

This research paper examined the challenges associated with production of processed African indigenous vegetables (AIVs) and possible market opportunities. AIVs have gained prominence in the recent past due to nutritional and health benefits. Post-harvest processing of AIVs provides market opportunities for the farmers. »