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fresh products

December 23, 2015Knowledge Portal
How does a shorter supply chain affect pricing of fresh food? Evidence from a natural experiment

This article elaborated on the impacts of shorter supply chains on the prices of fresh food in Turkey. The market for fresh food is often characterized by a large number of intermediaries delivering the product from the farmer to the retailer. The existence of these intermediaries is often claimed to introduce market frictions that push fresh food prices up. Using data from a policy reform in Turkey in the market for fresh fruit and vegetables, the authors tested the hypothesis that scaling down these frictions reduces the level of prices. »

Launch of the Dutch Postharvest Network
December 18, 2014News
Launch of the Dutch Postharvest Network
Theme: Food Wastage

On December 4, 2014 the Postharvest Network was launched during a kick off event in the Hof van Wageningen. The Postharvest Network aims to reduce food losses by implementing practical and proven solutions in the food supply chain of fresh products. It is a network of Dutch specialized companies, knowledge institutes like Wageningen University and »