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May 7, 2020Knowledge Portal
Africa’s urban informal food sector in comparative perspective

This special issue brings together a diverse collection of case studies from seven countries across the Global South—China, Jamaica, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, South Africa, and Uganda—to explore the dynamics of Africa’s urban informal food sector in comparative international context. »

May 6, 2020Knowledge Portal
Ebola in Liberia: Impact on food security and livelihoods

This publication examines the effects of Ebola on livelihoods and food security in Liberia and provides recommendations for future crises. Ebola aversion measures (quarantine, road blocks, and curfew) have had the most significant impact on livelihoods and food security. »

Rapid appraisal of food system risks with Covid-19 measures: Voices from the field
April 30, 2020Study
Rapid appraisal of food system risks with Covid-19 measures: Voices from the field
Theme: Food security and COVID-19

Understanding the vulnerabilities of local food systems is a key priority as the world is gaining more knowledge and information of the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on our food systems. A rapid appraisal carried out by Wageningen University and Research contributes to this emerging understanding of Covid-19 impacts, specifically on perceived Covid-19 control measures and their potential effect on local food systems. »

April 23, 2020Knowledge Portal
Global report on food crises 2020

The 2020 global report on food crises tracks people most in need of emergency food, nutrition and livelihood assistance, identifies main drivers of actute food insecurity and malnutrition. Conflict/insecurity was still the main driver of food crises in 2019, but weather extremes and economic shocks became increasingly significant. »

Lessons on market-oriented food security programming in fragile settings
April 21, 2020Study
Lessons on market-oriented food security programming in fragile settings
Theme: Food security and stability

As part of an ongoing study on “Aid transitions in fragility and protracted crisis settings” two quick-scans were produced. The first inventories typologies and frameworks used to design agricultural development programmes in fragile settings. The second captures lessons on market-oriented food security programming in fragile settings. »

Market systems development in fragile and conflict-affected settings
April 20, 2020Knowledge activity
Market systems development in fragile and conflict-affected settings
Theme: Food security and stability

What is Market Systems Development, how does it work in fragile settings, and what are lessons from its application in contexts like north Uganda, northeast Nigeria and Syria? This was the central focus of the last meeting of the Community of Practice on food security & stability, held on January 21, 2020. Thirty participants joined the workshop, co-organized with Mercy Corps which shared its experiences with this approach. »