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Final GCP-3 factsheet: Allotment gardens in Benin
June 15, 2020Research project
Final GCP-3 factsheet: Allotment gardens in Benin

Please download the final factsheet of Global Challenges Programme project “Enhancing urban food security through development of allotment gardens in and around the cities of Benin”. »

Communities of Practice supporting the Dutch Food and Nutrition Security response to COVID-19
June 11, 2020Knowledge activity
Communities of Practice supporting the Dutch Food and Nutrition Security response to COVID-19
Theme: Food security and COVID-19

Dutch development organizations are working together to help prevent the emergence of food crises in LMICs as a consequence of COVID-19 measures and impacts. On the initiative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Netherlands Food Partnership and GAIN, several CoPs have been formed to support these efforts. The CoPs facilitate cooperation and support around areas that are deemed particularly essential for an effective response to the COVID-19 crisis: Markets, Supply Chains & Nutritious foods; Finance & Outreach; Digital Solutions, and Knowledge. »

Report CoP meeting
June 11, 2020Knowledge activity
Report CoP meeting “Learning partnerships for adaptive programming in fragile contexts”
Theme: Food security and stability

How does learning for adaptive management work in fragile settings, and what are lessons from its application in Somalia, Burundi and Ethiopia? This was the central focus of the last meeting of the Community of Practice on food security & stability, held on May 28, 2020. Thirty-two participants joined this first online workshop, co-organized with the Knowledge Platform Security & Rule of Law. Participants discussed and exchanged on their experiences with learning in consortia, through concrete case studies. »

June 9, 2020Knowledge Portal
Food as a weapon? The geopolitics of food and the Qatar–Gulf rift

This article puts the concept of ‘food as a weapon’ in historical and regional perspective in the Arabian Peninsula through the lens of critical geopolitics, tracing the securitizing discourses about food security and their intertwining with narratives about territorial sovereignty, nationalism, and essentialist understandings of geography to explain the causes and effects of the food embargo in the ongoing Qatar–Gulf rift. »

June 4, 2020Knowledge Portal
Dairy livestock interventions for food security in Uganda: What are the implications for women’s empowerment?

This study examines how development interventions that target women affect household well‐being, especially food insecurity, empower women, and transform gendered power relations. »

COVID-19 Virtual round table – April 15, 2020
May 26, 2020Knowledge activity
COVID-19 Virtual round table – April 15, 2020
Theme: Food security and COVID-19

On April 15, a first virtual round table was convened by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Department Inclusive Green Growth (MinFA-IGG) and the Netherlands Food Partnership (NFP) for bilaterally funded programmes to see what is possible to support local farmers, nutrition programmes and partners with existing means. »