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May 10, 2018Knowledge Portal
Agricultural diversification as an important strategy for achieving food security in Africa

This article explores the relationship between farming diversity and food security and the diversification potential of African agriculture on household and continental scale. The study has demonstrated that diversification does have an essential role to play in ensuring food security and stabilizing food production. »

May 4, 2018Knowledge Portal
The impact of disasters and crises on agriculture and food security 2017

This report provides the latest data on the impact of disasters and crises on agriculture sectors. Standardizing disaster-related damage and loss assessments enables the monitoring of international targets and goals, and facilitates enhanced cooperation and coordination. »

May 3, 2018Knowledge Portal
Effectively assessing household food security status

This blog is about the Household Food Insecurity Access Scale (HFIAS), a standardized, robust and cost-efficient tool to measure the occurrence and severity of food insecurity. The HFIAS tool strikes a good balance between practical field-level applicability and reliability of the ensuing data. »

April 7, 2018Knowledge Portal
The growth of food banking in cities of the Global South

This discussion paper examines the globalization of food banking and its growth in the Global South. Through a case study of FoodForward South-Africa, it critically analyzes the roles that urban food banks play in cities of the Global South.  »

March 30, 2018Knowledge Portal
Youth for growth: Transforming economies through agriculture

This report provides a framework for the joint objective of global youth engagement and global food security. According to the authors, it is crucial that policymakers adopt a youth-inclusive agricultural development agenda aimed at transforming the agrifood system. »

March 26, 2018Knowledge Portal
“Measurement drives diagnosis and response”: Gaps in transferring food security assessment to the urban scale

This paper (PDF) in the Food Policy journal highlights the urban transition and attendant food security challenges, and reflects on existing food security measurement methods in the urban context. The understanding of food security has seen major shifts since the original conceptualisations of the challenge. These changes in understanding have been accompanied by different food security »