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July 24, 2018Knowledge Portal
Socio-economic, marketing and gender aspects of village chicken production in the tropics: A review of literature

This literature review focusses on the socio-economic, gender and marketing aspects of chicken production in the tropics. Chicken production is the main stay of livelihoods of most rural households in developing countries. Large number of women in the household are actively engaged in chicken production. »

July 23, 2018Knowledge Portal
Food security, resilience and well-being analysis of refugees and host communities in northern Uganda

This report provides a comprehensive assessment of the current state of the refugees’ food security, well-being and resilience in Northern Uganda. Although refugees in Uganda are given land and mobility rights, their food security remains low, with a high dependency of food aid. »

July 11, 2018Knowledge Portal
The effect of violent conflict on household resilience and food security: Evidence from the 2014 Gaza conflict

This paper studies how conflict affects household resilience capacity and food security, drawing on panel data collected from households in Palestine before and after the 2014 Gaza conflict. Household resilience capacity that is necesssary to resist food insecurity declined as a result of conflict. »

June 20, 2018Knowledge Portal
The nexus between food and nutrition security, and migration: Clarifying the debate and charting a way forward

This discussion paper clarifies the characteristics of the nexus between food security and migration, frames the debate and provides recommendations for further work around agriculture and rural development (ARD) and migration interventions.  »

June 20, 2018Knowledge Portal
On developing a scale to measure chronic household seed insecurity in semi-arid Kenya and the implications for food security policy

This study analyzes household and farm-level characteristics that may predict chronic seed insecurity in semi-arid eastern Kenya. Results suggest that mild chronic seed insecurity continues to be a problem in most households, hampering their ability to produce food. »

Discussion paper: Indicators for the nexus between food systems and stability
May 14, 2018Study
Discussion paper: Indicators for the nexus between food systems and stability
Theme: Food security and stability

To inform ongoing discussions on result indicators at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, a discussion paper was published by The Broker entitled “Indicators for the nexus between food systems and stability”. The paper was used to stimulate discussion among policymakers at the Food Security Exchange Week. »