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food safety

October 17, 2016Knowledge Portal
Applications of Whole Genome Sequencing in food safety management

Recent advances in Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) technology have the potential to play a significant role in the area of food safety. WGS provides rapid identification and characterization of microorganisms, including antimicrobial resistance (AMR), with a level of precision not previously possible. WGS provides rapid identification and characterization of microorganisms, including antimicrobial resistance (AMR), with a level of precision not previously possible. »

May 10, 2016Knowledge Portal
Assuring safe food systems: Policy options for a healthier food supply

This policy brief reviews food safety issues that are critical to poor and vulnerable populations in low- and middle-income countries, with a particular focus on their impact on healthy diets. With growing international concern over unsafe food, it is important that policies in agriculture and the food system are designed to ensure both the nutritional quality and the safety of the foods we eat. While food safety has traditionally been a health or medical matter, it is increasingly recognized as an important issue for agriculture and food systems since it influences trade, rural incomes, and purchasing power and workers productivity. »

Final report Learning journey on food safety
February 29, 2016Knowledge activity
Final report Learning journey on food safety

From November 9 to 13, 2015, a group of around 30 experts from the World Bank Group came to the Netherlands for a Learning journey on food safety. The final report of this first activity under the WBG-NL partnership “Food for All” is now available online. »

January 5, 2016Knowledge Portal
Mapping for food safety in Nairobi’s slums

This article explores how communities in informal settlements in Nairobi, Kenya create and use maps to ensure food safety. While informal settlements tend to play a key role in the economies of cities, they are often not depicted on official maps from the government. However, a map on which food kiosks, street vendors and hazards such as rubbish dumps and open sewers are depicted can help to ensure food safety. »

Food safety central theme of World Bank Learning tour
December 17, 2015News
Food safety central theme of World Bank Learning tour

From November 9 to 13, a group of around 30 experts from the World Bank Group came to the Netherlands for a Learning tour on food safety. This was the first activity under the “Food for All Partnership” between the World Bank and the Netherlands. »

The impact of food standards on inclusive growth in agriculture: the case of Bangladesh
July 24, 2015Study
The impact of food standards on inclusive growth in agriculture: the case of Bangladesh
Theme: Inclusive Business

This study describes policy recommendations on the Dutch “Aid to Trade” development policy and what implications this has for the policy in Bangladesh to mitigate the effect of increased food standards on smallholders. »