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food consumption patterns

July 16, 2015Knowledge Portal
Sub-Saharan Africa’s significant changes in food consumption patterns

This report elaborates on the importance of food markets for food consumption in African cities and rural areas. It argues that food systems in West Africa are rapidly changing and that, contrary to popular belief, the percentage of subsistence farming for food consumption in rural areas is also declining. Therefore, market supply is becoming the main source for food consumption and rural as well as urban household tend to become more vulnerable to fluctuation in food prices on these markets, which impacts their food security. »

July 15, 2015Knowledge Portal
The Oxford Handbook of Food, Politics, and Society

This Oxford Handbook Food, Politics and Society, edited by Ronald J. Herring, explores the complex interrelationships between food and agriculture, politics, and society. More specifically, it considers the political aspects of three basic economic questions: what is to be produced? how is it to be produced? how it is to be distributed? »

June 3, 2015Knowledge Portal
Dairy intensification, mothers and children: an exploration of infant and young child feeding practices among rural dairy farmers in Kenya

This article elaborates on the impacts of dairy intensification to human nutrition and household food security. While dairy intensification could improve human nutrition and food security due to higher incomes for the farmers, it could as have negative impacts. This is related to the increasing workload of mothers which could have negative effects on infant and young child feeding (IYCF), since mothers could experience more stress, have less time for feeding and have specific beliefs about the timing and appropriate types of complementary foods. »

May 13, 2015Knowledge Portal
Increasing homogeneity in global food supplies and the implications for food security

This article (PDF) in PNAS by a group of researchers provides evidence of change in the relative importance of different crop plants in national food supplies worldwide over the past 50 years. Trends in the richness, abundance, and composition of crop species in national food supplies worldwide were assessed. The study shows that over the »

May 12, 2015Knowledge Portal
Trends and determinants of food consumption patterns in West Africa

This dissertation by Me-Nsope, Nathalie Mongue examines food consumption patterns in the Economic Community of West Africa States (ECOWAS). The study provides detailed information on food demand parameters, which are critical to improving policymakers’ ability to make sound food policy decisions. »

May 6, 2015Knowledge Portal
Future diets: obesity rising to alarming levels around the world

This report (PDF) by the Overseas Development Institute (ODI), highlights dramatic increases in the numbers of overweight or obese people in the past 30 years. Previously considered a problem in richer countries, the biggest rises are in middle income countries and the developing world. »