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food consumption patterns

November 11, 2015Knowledge Portal
Delicious, Disgusting, Dangerous: Eating in a time of food price volatility

This report (PDF) by IDS and Oxfam highlights the third year results of the study Life in a Time of Food Price Volatility, with a focus on changes in diets. The report explores what people on low and precarious incomes are eating now and how they are responding to the increasing commodification of food. Furthermore, the paper uncovers how these changes are linked to adjustments in work, residence and home life. »

October 28, 2015Knowledge Portal
Field assessment of rapid market estimation techniques: a case study of dairy value chains in Tanzania

This article uses rapid market estimation techniques to quantify the informal milk market in two Tanzanian municipalities. Many market research techniques do not document the informal components and therefore producers only have access to limited information. In this action research project, the participants tried to quickly gather key information to inform the design of interventions to upgrade small-scale urban dairy production. »

September 17, 2015Knowledge Portal
Food price spikes relation to malnutrition among children in Andhra Pradesh, India

This article in the The Journal of Nutrition, investigated the associations between food price spikes and childhood malnutrition in Andhra Pradesh, one of India’s largest states. The authors tested the hypothesis that the escalating prices of rice, legumes, eggs, and other staples of Indian diets significantly increased the risk of wasting (weight-for-height z scores) in children. »

September 16, 2015Knowledge Portal
Toward SDG 2: Food security and urbanization in the Global South

This policy brief argues that urban food insecurity is significantly distinct from rural food insecurity and that therefore insecurity in urban areas must be addressed through a different set of policies. It provides policy suggestions for national governments in the Global South on how to improve sustainable, healthy food access in urban areas, and identifies issues that need to be addressed. »

August 3, 2015Knowledge Portal
Fruit consumption and production: habits, preferences and attitudes of rural households in Western Kenya

Currently, fruit consumption in Eastern Africa is far below recommended allowances and has implications for micronutrient malnutrition while little is known about the patterns and determinants of fruit production, consumption and marketing. The main research question of this paper (PDF) by Bioversity International and the World Agroforestry Centre was therefore: what are key trends in gender-disaggregated preferences, attitudes and decision-making processes of rural households for fruit consumption, production, and income generated from this activity? »

July 28, 2015Knowledge Portal
The short-term impact of price shocks on food security-Evidence from urban and rural Ethiopia

This study in the Food Security Journal, investigates the impact of food price changes on food security in urban and rural Ethiopia. The results indicate that increases in cereal prices are generally, but not always, associated with households having a lower number of meals and switching to less preferred foods. »