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food consumption patterns

October 4, 2016Knowledge Portal
Shifting food consumption to mitigate climate change is critical to fulfilling the Paris Agreement, but how?

This info note assessment the available measures to mitigate climate change through shifting food consumption and reveals some opportunities, particularly through linking with public health and other policy areas. Reducing emissions by changing consumption of foods with large greenhouse gas emissions could have a major impact on climate change. Yet, past efforts to change diets through public policy have had mixed results, suggesting that recent estimates of technical mitigation potential likely exceed feasible reductions in emissions. »

September 28, 2016Knowledge Portal
Precarious lives: food, work and care after the global food crisis

The longitudinal study synthesized in this report is the result of a 4-year collaboration between IDS, Oxfam and research partners. The research was carried out between 2012 and 2015 and involved annual visits to communities in 23 rural, urban and peri-urban sites, along with commissioned reviews of national-level prices and policies over the period. The social, economic and political adjustments made by people in developing countries in the wake of the global food crisis are the focus of this report. »

September 28, 2016Knowledge Portal
Assessment of traditional African vegetable production in Burkina Faso

Lack of dietary diversity is a key causal factor of malnutrition in Burkina Faso because the population consumes mostly cereals crops. Nutrient‐dense traditional African vegetables provide an excellent means to complement cereal staples for better nutrition, in particular for women and children, as well as for income generation. This study in the Journal of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development characterized the production of traditional African vegetables in Burkina Faso based on a questionnaire administered to 250 respondents. »

FOOD 2030 & ARCH Pre Event on Tomorrow’s Nutrition & Food Systems
September 26, 2016Knowledge activity
FOOD 2030 & ARCH Pre Event on Tomorrow’s Nutrition & Food Systems

“The role of consumers in sustainable consumption and production in Europe and in developing countries” is the title of a Pre Event of FOOD2030. The Pre Event will highlight the increasingly international dimension of food systems and the need to include the perspectives of consumers in and outside Europe. »

July 4, 2016Knowledge Portal
Plates, pyramids and planet – Developments in national healthy and sustainable dietary guidelines: a state of play assessment

This report was published jointly by the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) and the Food Climate Research Network (FCRN) and evaluates government-issued food-based dietary guidelines from across the globe, looking in particular at whether they make links to environmental sustainability as well as personal health. The report highlights instances of forward thinking governments who are taking the lead in developing integrated guidance; examines what these guidelines say; identifies common messages; and considers whether and how their approaches could be replicated elsewhere. »

June 29, 2016Knowledge Portal
Reducing anemia prevalence in Afghanistan: Socioeconomic correlates and the particular role of agricultural assets

This article examines the socio-economic correlates of anemia in women and, potential sources of iron in household diets in Afghanistan. It delves into the agriculture-nutrition linkages and tries to understand these in the context of Afghanistan and related to iron-deficiency anemia. The authors found that ownership of agricultural assets (particularly livestock) and their use in food production has a role in alleviating anemia, especially when local markets are inadequate. »