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food and nutrition governance

June 17, 2015Knowledge Portal
Food Security Governance Empowering Communities, Regulating Corporations

This book by Nora McKeon explores the global food governance at a crossroads. It proceeds to explain how actors link up in corporate global food chains and in the local food systems that feed most of the world’s population. It unpacks relevant paradigms – from productivism to food sovereignty – and highlights the significance of adopting a rights-based approach to solving food problems. »

May 18, 2015Knowledge Portal
Global food security governance: Civil society engagement in the reformed Committee on World Food Security

Drawing on data collected from policy documents, interviews and participant observation, this book by Jessica Duncan examines the re-organization and functioning of a UN Committee that is coming to be known as a best practice in global governance. Framed by key challenges that plague global governance, the impact and implication of increased civil society engagement are examined by tracing policy negotiations within the CFS, in particular, policy roundtables on smallholder sensitive investment and food price volatility and negotiations on the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security, and the Global Strategic Framework for Food Security and Nutrition. »

March 31, 2015Knowledge Portal
The transformative potential of the right to food

In this final report (PDF) by the former Special Rapporteur on the right to food, Olivier De Schutter, main conclusions are presented on eradication of hunger and malnutrition from his country visits in thirteen countries: Benin, Cameroon, Madagascar and Malawi (low-income countries); Brazil, China, Guatemala, Malaysia, Mexico, Nicaragua, South Africa and the Syrian Arab Republic »

March 14, 2015Knowledge Portal
The Right to Food: Past commitment, current obligation, further action for the future

This ten year retrospective on the right to food guidelines analyzes some of the main issues experienced while implementing the Right to Food Guidelines over the past decade and looks to possible avenues for making use of the Right to Food Guidelines to achieve the right to adequate food of all in the years to come. The report looks back and tries to understand what has worked and why, where the bottlenecks lie, and how governments and their partners can be most effective in the fight against hunger and malnutrition. »