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food and nutrition governance

July 13, 2017Knowledge Portal
The power of multi-sectoral governance to address malnutrition

This technical brief shares learning of the Sustainable Nutrition for All (SN4A) project related to the importance of multi-sectoral governance to address malnutrition and scale-up projects. The brief presents results from the SN4A model in Uganda and Zambia. »

July 10, 2017Knowledge Portal
Sustainable forestry for food security and nutrition

This report analyzes the diverse, direct and indirect, contributions of forests and trees to food security and nutrition (FNS). This contribution happens through four main channels: direct provision of food; provision of energy, especially for cooking; income generation and employment; and provision of ecosystem services that are essential for FNS, human health and well-being. »

November 9, 2016Knowledge Portal
The importance of gender in policy processes related to the right to food: The cases of Senegal and Togo

This report elaborates on the importance of gender in policy processes related to the right to food. The purpose of the study is to identify potential entry-points for the development of activities on the right to adequate food in both countries. It analyses the importance of gender issues in key dimensions of national policy and legislative processes currently ongoing considered as viable opportunities to initiate or strengthen the implementation of the Right to Food Guidelines at country level. »

September 30, 2016Knowledge Portal
Africa Agriculture Status Report 2016

This report by AGRA is the fourth volume of the Africa Agriculture Status Report series focusing on, “Progress towards African Agricultural Transformation”. The series has the objective of producing an in-depth and comprehensive analysis of emerging issues and challenges being faced by Africa’s smallholder farmers. The 2016 Report has tracked the progress made in the last decade with the MDGs and the Maputo Declaration as critical benchmarks, through to the current status, considering the Malabo Declaration and the projection and trajectory towards 2030 in line with the SDGs. »

August 31, 2016Knowledge Portal
Brazil–Africa knowledge-sharing on social protection and food and nutrition security

This paper was published by the International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth (IPC-IG) and is an analysis on how knowledge-sharing between Brazil and several sub-Saharan countries, in the fields of social protection and food and nutrition security policies and programmes have influenced the African policies and programmes. According to the research, experiences that were shared about programs like Bolsa Familia, Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar and the Programa de Aquisição de Alimentos were the inspiration for the creation of similar tools in African countries and had a positive impact. »

April 25, 2016Knowledge Portal
Managing food price volatility: Policy options to support healthy diets and nutrition in the context of uncertainty

This policy brief identifies policy interventions that can anticipate and mitigate the negative dietary and nutritional outcomes of price volatility and market uncertainty. Food price volatility is a serious global concern. Since the food crisis of 2008, the world has struggled to address unexpected, rapid rises and falls in global food prices, which have sparked political unrest and increased economic risks across the food system. »