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June 8, 2018Knowledge Portal
Digital access: The future of financial inclusion in Africa

This report highlights the phenomenal success of digital financial services (DFS) in sub-Saharan Africa. Chapter 10 focuses specifically on DFS in relation to agricultural value chains. Extending the use of DFS for rural and agricultural purposes could benefit the entire value chain and daily lives of farmers. »

May 22, 2018Knowledge Portal
Future of food: Maximizing finance for development in agricultural value chains

This paper provides important details on maximizing finance for development in agricultural value chains. It highlights financing gaps, identifies a range of potential funding sources, and suggests possible actions to help crowd-in more private investment, while optimizing the use of public resources.  »

May 10, 2018Knowledge Portal
Agriculture on the blockchain: Sustainable solutions for food, farmers, and financing

This research explores applications of blockchain across the agricultural sector, beyond the typical finance use cases. Traceability across the global food supply chain ensures food safety and is thus far the most adopted application of blockchain for agriculture. »

May 7, 2018Knowledge Portal
Private and public costs and benefits of implementing a quality-based milk payment system in Kenya

This study assesses the model of dairy processor Happy Cow Ltd as a pilot to introduce a quality-based milk payment systems (QBMPS) in Kenya that integrates smallholders as suppliers. QBMPSs could successfully control and improve the milk quality in Kenya along the dairy chain. »

March 20, 2018Knowledge Portal
Sell low and buy high: Arbitrage and local price effects in Kenyan markets

This paper explores the role of financial market imperfections in contributing to farmers’ apparent inability to exploit  arbitrage opportunity. Large and regular seasonal price fluctuations in local grain markets appear to offer African farmers substantial inter-temporal arbitrage opportunities »

March 11, 2018Knowledge Portal
The impact of remittances on household food security: A micro perspective from Tigray, Ethiopia

This working paper examines the impact of remittances on farm household’s food security status in two livelihood zones of Ethiopia. The findings of the study suggest that remittances lower the frequency and severity of coping strategies. »