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May 6, 2019Knowledge Portal
Handbook on climate information for farming communities: What farmers need and what is available

This guide book describes the most important weather and agroclimatic products that are available by the National Meteorological Service (NMS) and identifies the most important needs of farmers concerning climate information. Special consideration will be given to the local knowledge used by rural farmers. n additional objective is to improve communication among the NMS staff, in particular, meteorologists and agrometeorologists and to encourage Agro-Pastoral Field School (APFS) trainers and facilitators to be more aware of their respective availability. »

March 22, 2019Knowledge Portal
Vegetable farming and farmers’ livelihood: Insights from Kathmandu Valley, Nepal

This study investigated whether vegetable farming contributes significantly to the livelihood of farmers by generating cash and providing employment opportunities. The model results indicate a significant positive relationship between vegetable farming and livelihood improvement. »

April 10, 2017Knowledge Portal
Foresight Africa viewpoint: Science and the farm

This blog argues that Africa’s youth employment issue is fundamentally one of agricultural modernization and investment in science. More youths remain on farms than leave, although the movement away is very visible and has raised concern about food security, aging of the countryside, and excessive dependence on food imports. Concerns would be best directed toward understanding the needs of young people who stay on farms. »

Natural Livestock Farming Antibiotic reduction strategy raises interest at World Bank
February 26, 2016Expert opinion
Natural Livestock Farming Antibiotic reduction strategy raises interest at World Bank

The experiences of the Natural Livestock Farming network and its strategy developed to reduce antibiotic use in dairy farming were presented in Washington DC earlier this week and last week. »

Employment generation in inclusive value chains in agriculture
July 9, 2015News
Employment generation in inclusive value chains in agriculture

Integrating Africa’s smallholder farmers into global markets is seen as an effective way to create better jobs and reduce poverty. But what about the complex policy-context in which this potential is to be realized? »

July 6, 2015Knowledge Portal
Perspectives on jobs and farming: Findings from a Q study with young people, parents and development workers in rural Ghana

This paper by Future Agricultures aimed to explore in a systematic way the perspectives of rural young people, their parents and development officials on a series of questions relating to work in general and agriculture in particular. The study presents the results of a series of Q Methodology studies with secondary students and parents in Ghana, and with development officials. »