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EU development policy

November 28, 2019
Changing food systems: implications for DFID priorities

This policy brief examines changes in food systems, including urbanisation, changing diets and free trade, the risks and opportunities of these changes and its implications for policy priorities. The changes in food systems create both systemic risks and transformational opportunities that demand a deeper understanding of food systems and how to ensure their long-term resilience, inclusiveness, and sustainability. »

June 3, 2019Knowledge Portal
Position paper on water, energy, food and ecosystems (WEFE) nexus and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

This position paper highlights the importance and advantages of the water, engergy, food and ecosystems (WEFE) Nexus as an approach and methodology in EU development cooperation. The Nexus corroborates the need to not view water, energy, food and ecosystems as being separate entities, but rather as being complex and inextricably entwined. Managing the WEFE Nexus is a consultative process with key stakeholders contributing and agreeing to responses to the challenges being faced. »

January 9, 2018Knowledge Portal
EU policies and global food security

This paper reviews evidence on the impact of EU policies on global food security, focusing on several EU policy areas. Old concerns were related to the detrimental impact of EU farm subsidies, food aid and tariffs on poor countries’ food security. New concerns relate to impacts of EU food standards and bioenergy policies. »

November 6, 2017Knowledge Portal
The European Union, agriculture, and the tropics: Public financial incentives to enhance food security and expansion of production contracts

This article frames two rapidly moving issues in the EU’s multifaceted relationship with agriculture in the tropics: 1) use of the public development funds to drive agricultural productivity and market access and 2) the adoption of private production contracts for sourcing products destined for EU markets. »

October 19, 2016Knowledge Portal
Young people and agriculture in Africa: A review of research evidence and EU documentation

This report by IDS presents the results of a desk-based study to assess the available research evidence in relation to African young people’s engagement with agriculture, and to analyse how this evidence is reflected in current European Union (EU) policy and programming in Malawi, Ethiopia and Kenya, three of the 89 countries in which Alliance2015 members work. »

April 6, 2015Knowledge Portal
The EU’s common agricultural policy: ensuring the EU’s development and agricultural policies evolve together

At the Green week in Berlin a publication (PDF) was presented that explains how the EU’s common agricultural policy (CAP) meets the EU’s commitment to policy coherence for development, which aims to minimize problems for developing countries due to policies. The paper stresses that an effective policy coherence for development (PCD) agenda for food security »