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GCP-2 facstheet midterm findings: LIQUID
July 26, 2018Research project
GCP-2 facstheet midterm findings: LIQUID

Please download the factsheet with midterm findings of this GCP-2 Integrated Project. »

July 25, 2018Knowledge Portal
Scoping study to strengthen the Technical Vocational Education and Training in the Dairy Sector in East Africa

This study assessed the need, relevance, priorities, limitations and possible modalities of an East African Dairy Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) project. Potential for Netherlands support to have impact at scale would be to support a range of interested training organizations. »

July 5, 2018
The influence of livestock-derived foods on nutrition during the first 1,000 days of life

This report synthesizes the best current evidence on the influence of livestock-derived foods, such as meat, milk and eggs, on the nutrition of pregnant and lactating mothers and infants during their first 1,000 days of life in low- and middle-income countries, especially in Africa and Asia. »

AGRI-QUEST report documentary 2016-2019
May 24, 2018Research project
AGRI-QUEST report documentary 2016-2019

The Applied Research Fund project “Strengthening Agribusiness Ethics, Quality standards and ICT Usage in Uganda’s Value Chains (AGRI-QUEST)” has published a documentary which shows the progress of the project implementation. »

May 7, 2018Knowledge Portal
Private and public costs and benefits of implementing a quality-based milk payment system in Kenya

This study assesses the model of dairy processor Happy Cow Ltd as a pilot to introduce a quality-based milk payment systems (QBMPS) in Kenya that integrates smallholders as suppliers. QBMPSs could successfully control and improve the milk quality in Kenya along the dairy chain. »

March 5, 2018Knowledge Portal
Performance of emerging dairy services agri-enterprises: A case study of youth-led service provider enterprises

This study assessed the performance of Service Provider Enterprise (SPE) to establish the extent to which the model offers business options for youth in agriculture. SPE is an innovative youth-led business model in which young men and women form groups to offer commercial support services to farmers. »