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December 18, 2017Knowledge Portal
Why promote improved fallows as a climate-smart agroforestry technology in Sub-Saharan Africa?

This review provides an overview of how improved fallows (an agroforestry technology consisting of planting mainly legume tree/shrub species in rotation with cultivated crops) may achieve the goals of climate-smart agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa.  »

Sugar and forestry investments in Uganda: lessons from a first Learning Platform in Jinja
December 13, 2017Expert opinion
Sugar and forestry investments in Uganda: lessons from a first Learning Platform in Jinja
Theme: Land Governance

After two Learning Platforms in Tanzania and Mozambique, LANDac and partners organized their third multi-stakeholder learning event in Jinja, Uganda on September 21 and 22, 2017. The platform in Jinja focused on two major investments in the region: one in agriculture (sugar) and one in forestry (pine trees and eucalyptus). »

September 11, 2017Knowledge Portal
Greenhouse gas emission analyses from nine agricultural development projects reveal mitigation options

This blog discusses analyses which show that some agricultural practices contribute to improved food security and climate change mitigation. These analyses can help prioritize agricultural practices that contribute to sustainable development goals in food security and climate. »

September 5, 2017Knowledge Portal
Scaling inclusive business models at the nexus of poverty and environment: Case studies from the Philippines

This report examines inclusive business (IB) models at the nexus of poverty and environment in order to demonstrate how to scale them up successfully. The paper focuses on three inclusive agroforestry businesses in the Philippines. Investigation into these companies’ IB models reveals the fundamental components of success for the companies, farmers, the ecosystem, local value-chain actors and the natural environment where production takes place. »

September 4, 2017Knowledge Portal
Forestry for food security and nutrition

This position paper provides policy recommendations to safeguard and improve the contributions of the forestry sector to food security and nutrition. The relative neglect of the forestry sector compared with other forms of agriculture by policymakers, means that the potential for the sector to play a greater role in securing food security remains great. »

July 10, 2017Knowledge Portal
Sustainable forestry for food security and nutrition

This report analyzes the diverse, direct and indirect, contributions of forests and trees to food security and nutrition (FNS). This contribution happens through four main channels: direct provision of food; provision of energy, especially for cooking; income generation and employment; and provision of ecosystem services that are essential for FNS, human health and well-being. »