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Rural revitalization and sustainable diets
July 16, 2019Knowledge activity
Rural revitalization and sustainable diets

How do two reports with a different emphasis on the relation between nutrition and agriculture challenge our daily practices and current policies? This was the central question put forward during an event organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on June 4, 2019. Both the IFPRI’s Global Food Policy Report 2019 and EAT-Lancet’s 2019 Commission were presented, followed by an interactive panel discussion with a multi-stakeholder audience. »

May 1, 2019Knowledge Portal
Discursive translations of gender mainstreaming norms: The case of agricultural and climate change policies in Uganda

This paper takes a discourse analytical perspective on gender policy and budgeting and examines what happens to gender issues in agriculture and climate change adapation when they are mainstramed and domesticated in different governance levels. The study finds that while the international norm of gender mainstreaming has been formally adopted in Uganda, its transformational potential was reduced through five distinct processes during norm translation. »

April 17, 2019Knowledge Portal
Achieving sustainable nutrition for all

This policy paper summarises a set of key policy programme recommendations based on evidence and learning of the Sustainable Nutrition for All (SN4A) programme. For governments it is recomended to ensure that the multi-sectoral platforms of the programme are replicated and aligned from national to subnational level to ensure community research. Practitioners are recommended to support scalability of community driven social behaviour change communication nutrition strategies in different contexts as part of nutrition porgramming. »

March 13, 2019Knowledge Portal
Systematic review of use and interpretation of dietary diversity indicators in nutrition-sensitive agriculture literature

This article assesss to what extent and how studies used and interpreted common metrics of dietary diversity, which would improve comparability across studies to produce global evidence of the impact of agriculture on nutrition and food security. Most studies based on individual level FGIs were consistent with published guidance, while many of the studies measuring households’ dietary diversity were not, particularly in terms of interpretation of the indicators or of food group classification. »

March 11, 2019Knowledge Portal
Leveraging agriculture for nutrition in South Asia

This journal aims to improve understanding about how agriculture and related food policies and programs in South Asia (specifically in India, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Afghanistan) can be better conceptualised and implemented in order to enhance impacts on nutrition outcomes, especially those of young children and adolescent girls. While agriculture has the potential to improve nutrition through several pathways, this potential is currently not being realised in the region. »

March 7, 2019Knowledge Portal
We’re ready, the system’s not: Youth perspectives on agricultural careers in South Africa

This research was undertaken to better understand the paradox of young people turning away from agricultural employment in spite of such high levels of unemployment in the country. From a youth perspective, the results suggest that the interests and expectations of youth are more than sufficient to warrant substantial investment into engaging them as active co-creators in the re-design of the food system. However, these positive aspirations tended to be at odds with the kinds of jobs created by an increasingly corporatised food regime, »