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agricultural research for development

November 7, 2017Knowledge Portal
Climate-smart agriculture technologies in West Africa: learning from the ground AR4D experiences

This thematic series contains seven papers based on participatory action research in West-Africa. This research aimed to test and validate scalable climate-smart village models for agricultural development that integrate a range of innovative agricultural risk management strategies. »

The what’s, where’s and how’s of Agricultural Innovation Platforms
June 28, 2017Expert opinion
The what’s, where’s and how’s of Agricultural Innovation Platforms

Marc Schut from the CGIAR International Institute of Tropical Agriculture and Wageningen University recently published a book with Guidelines for Innovation Platforms. In his blog he highlights the need to think more critically about when, how and in what form Innovation Platforms can meaningfully contribute to agricultural development impacts. »

Working Papers Agricultural Innovation Systems
June 8, 2017Study
Working Papers Agricultural Innovation Systems

The Royal Tropical Institute has published a series of Working Papers on Agricultural Innovation Systems (AIS). Over the past several decades, myriad initiatives have experimented with AIS. Now it is time to reflect on what has been achieved. »

African Journal of Rural Development Call for Papers
May 16, 2017News
African Journal of Rural Development Call for Papers

The African Journal of Rural Development has published a Call for Papers for Multi-stakeholder Research & Innovation Platforms in Agricultural Research for Development. Deadline for submission is July 15, 2017. »

FOOD 2030 & ARCH Pre Event on Tomorrow’s Nutrition & Food Systems
September 26, 2016Knowledge activity
FOOD 2030 & ARCH Pre Event on Tomorrow’s Nutrition & Food Systems

“The role of consumers in sustainable consumption and production in Europe and in developing countries” is the title of a Pre Event of FOOD2030. The Pre Event will highlight the increasingly international dimension of food systems and the need to include the perspectives of consumers in and outside Europe. »

Agricultural Research for Development funding opportunities 2015
January 22, 2015News
Agricultural Research for Development funding opportunities 2015

On its website, PAEPARD (the Platform for African – European Partnership in Agricultural Research for Development) has again published an extensive list of funding opportunities on Agricultural Research for Development for the coming months. The list is divided in funds for Agriculture, Climate change, Bio-diversity, Fellowships/scholarships and Other. To see the list, please visit the »