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agricultural productivity

August 6, 2015Knowledge Portal
The impact of investment in agricultural research and development and agricultural productivity

This study by IFPRI was conducted to determine the impact on world prices, agricultural commodities production, and food security and nutrition of raising the annual growth in agricultural total factor productivity (TFP) from the current estimate of 1.6 percent to 2 percent by 2030 through investment in agricultural research and development (R&D). The study also compared three R&D investment strategies: (1) gradual TFP increase, (2) accelerated TFP increase, and (3) developing-countries-only TFP increase. »

July 15, 2015Knowledge Portal
Sustainable intensification revisited

This briefing by IIED revisits the term ‘sustainable intensification’. The paper makes a distinction in what it should be according to the authors — a useful guiding framework for raising agricultural productivity on existing arable land in a sustainable manner; and what it should not be — a paradigm for achieving food security overall. The »

March 31, 2015Knowledge Portal
Six innovations revolutionising farming

In this article by The Guardian, six innovations in farmer technology as are highlighted relating to the increased agricultural productivity of the last half century. These include: 1) dairy hubs (see example); 2) fertiliser deep placement (FDP); 3) mobile apps, such as VetAfrica or Farming Instructor; 4) high-roofed greenhouses (see example); 5) new feeding systems »

March 31, 2015Knowledge Portal
Digging deeper: inside Africa’s agricultural, food and nutrition dynamics

This book published in the African Dynamics Series of the African Studies Centre Leiden with contributions of a large group of researchers, attempts to ‘dig deeper’ into what is currently happening in Africa’s agricultural and rural sector and to convince policymakers and others that it is important to look at the current African rural dynamics »

Launch of
September 17, 2014News
Launch of “The State of Food Insecurity in the World 2014”

The new report “The State of Food Insecurity in the World” (SOFI 2014), released by the UN on September 16, appoints sustained political commitment at the highest level as a prerequisite for hunger eradication. “The State of Food Insecurity in the World 2014” presents updated estimates of undernourishment and progress towards the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) »