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agricultural development

Vacancy at IFAD, Lead Technical Specialist in Rome
June 28, 2017News
Vacancy at IFAD, Lead Technical Specialist in Rome

The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) is looking for a Lead Technical Specialist – Environment & Climate Finance to be based in Rome, Italy for a duration of three years. Deadline for applications is July 9, 2017. »

April 20, 2017Knowledge Portal
Making the case for institutional demand: Supporting smallholders through procurement and food assistance programmes

This paper focuses on the rationale for supporting market interventions for smallholders through what the authors call Institutional Demand. Institutional Demand consists of different interventions that target procurement from smallholder farmers and distribute their surplus to vulnerable populations. This policy intervention links the goals of both agricultural development and social protection through three key areas: price stabilization; income generation and; food security. »

March 17, 2017Knowledge Portal
Strengthening and harmonizing food policy systems to achieve food security

This discussion paper studies the factors contributing to the effectiveness of policy systems. In this paper, a conceptual framework is developed to understand the policy and institutional architecture of food and agriculture policy systems, aiming to improve the coordination and harmonization of the roles of policy actors and players. »

November 24, 2016Knowledge Portal
New directions for inclusive pluralistic service systems, report of FAO expert consultation

This paper by FAO and KIT presents a synthesis of deliberations, and a set of policy recommendations and priority actions for pluralistic service systems (PSS). A growing variety of public and private agricultural advisory services are available today, leading to increasingly PSS. PSS hold the potential to overcome constraints related to funding, staffing and expertise, and making advisory services more demand-driven. But are PSS really able to reach the millions of farmers in need of services? »

Strategic Secondment on Food Security, Nutrition and Food Quality
November 17, 2016News
Strategic Secondment on Food Security, Nutrition and Food Quality

In the context of the MoU “Food for All’ signed in 2015 between the World Bank Group and the Netherlands, a strategic secondment of a Senior Advisor Food Security of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands takes place to the World Bank Agriculture Global Practice. Mr. Wijnand Van IJssel has been selected for »

October 17, 2016Knowledge Portal
Innovative markets for sustainable agriculture: How innovations in market institutions encourage sustainable agriculture in developing countries

The FAO and the INRA undertook a survey of innovative approaches that enable markets to act as incentives in the transition towards sustainable agriculture in developing countries.15 cases from around the world provide insights into how small-scale initiatives that use sustainable production practices are supported by market demand, and create innovations in the institutions that govern sustainable practices and market exchanges. The study concludes with four results on how market based solutions can help with the transition towards sustainable agriculture. »