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September 9, 2016Knowledge Portal
Agriculture finance support facility: Lessons learned

This report by the Agriculture Finance Support Facility’s (AgriFin) has two main chapters: the first deals with lessons learned from the design and implementation of AgriFin’s Technical Assistance program, while the second covers the lessons emerging from the design and implementation of the program. AgriFin aims to provide technical assistance and knowledge support primarily to financial institutions to help them develop their business models for financing smallholder farmers. »

September 6, 2016Knowledge Portal
Realising the promise of inclusive agribusiness

Consultant to the Donor Platform Jim Woodhill explored questions around inclusive agribusiness in a webinar on 5th July 2016, where he shared the results of his background working paper on inclusive agribusiness, including recommendations for donors. One of the key messages is that there are numerous inclusive agribusiness-related projects/businesses that have generated a broad base of practitioners with a growing understanding of how to put inclusive agribusiness models into practice. »

August 31, 2016Knowledge Portal
Event report: Roundtable on inclusive agribusiness in Southeast Asia

This conference report provides a snapshot of the rich content and discussions from the Roundtable on Inclusive Agribusiness in Southeast Asia, held in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam on 23–24 September 2015. The Roundtable brought together approximately 120 business leaders, key development practitioners, policy makers and research experts, largely from Myanmar, Indonesia, the Philippines and Vietnam. »

July 11, 2016Knowledge Portal
Partnerships delivering inclusive business

The Practitioner Hub for Inclusive Business and The Partnering Initiative, with support from the UK’s Department for International Development, developed a series which focused on the role of partnerships in delivering inclusive business. They explored why and when partnerships are necessary, why they can be so challenging, and how those challenges can be overcome. »

June 13, 2016Knowledge Portal
Agricultural transformation and agribusiness in Africa: how can jobs for women and youth be created?

In preparation for a side-event on the African Development Bank (ADB) annual meetings, the INCLUDE Platform launched a series of one pagers on Africa’s agricultural transformation and how it can be made inclusive for women and youth. This one pager introduces the concepts of agricultural transformation and agribusiness and identifies the key challenges in making both inclusive. The series of one pagers assess how an inclusiveness lens can best be applied. It does so in the form of four briefs on the most pressing issues of inclusive agribusiness. »

June 2, 2016Knowledge Portal
The unholy alliance, five western donors shape a pro-corporate agenda for African agriculture

This report from the Oakland Institute exposes how a coalition of four donor countries and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is shaping a pro-business environment in the agricultural sector of developing countries, especially in Africa. The report focuses on the Enabling the Business of Agriculture (EBA) project, implemented by the World Bank. »