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Seventh F&BKP Newsletter
July 3, 2015News
Seventh F&BKP Newsletter

Now that summer has truly started and before we enter the holiday season, the Food & Business Knowledge Platform has published its seventh newsletter with an update on the F&BKP activities of the last month.   In this July newsletter we present a new explorative report conducted within the Platform on how the Fruit and Vegetable Sector contributes to Food and Nutrition Security. We also inform you about the new Young Expert Programme that is focusing on »

Sixth F&BKP Newsletter
May 20, 2015News
Sixth F&BKP Newsletter

In the sixth newsletter, the Food & Business Knowledge Platform presents three new reports conducted within the Platform: the first focuses on the financing of African smallholder farmers; the second analyzes Public-Private Partnerships for food security; and the last reports on the results of the consultation meeting to establish a partnership between the Netherlands and the CGIAR. You can »

Fifth F&BKP newsletter
April 2, 2015News
Fifth F&BKP newsletter

In the fifth  newsletter, the Food & Business Knowledge Platform proudly presents the newly launched Knowledge Portal, where you will find continually updated references to knowledge items and innovations in Food & Nutrition Security on selected topics. In order to make the continuous updating of the Knowledge Portal an interactive process, you – as a professional »

Fourth F&BKP newsletter
February 26, 2015News
Fourth F&BKP newsletter

The first Food & Business Knowledge Platform newsletter of 2015 has been sent out! In this newsletter the Platform proudly presents the new website section featuring all Food & Business Research projects funded by NWO-WOTRO. Other items of interest include news from various partner networks as well as upcoming events. Please follow this link to read the complete fourth newsletter »

Third F&BKP newsletter
December 22, 2014News
Third F&BKP newsletter

In these days before Christmas the Office team has sent out its final newsletter of the year, with updates on the various developments that have taken place in the Food & Business Knowledge Platform over the last couple of months. In the December newsletter, you can read about the successful exploratory meeting with private sector »

Second F&BKP newsletter
October 22, 2014News
Second F&BKP newsletter

The Food & Business Knowledge Platform is pleased to have sent out its second newsletter with information about the final report on the food and nutrition security policy consultation, update on the Knowledge Agenda, and much more. As mentioned in the first newsletter, the Platform conducted a consultation for the Dutch policy on food and nutrition security in recent months. »

First F&BKP newsletter
August 19, 2014News
First F&BKP newsletter

The Food & Business Knowledge Platform published its first two-monthly newsletter full with links to interesting studies, articles and news items on food and nutrition security.  In this first newsletter, we refer to the consultation on Dutch food security policy which the Office is currently conducting. The ideas of various professionals will be clustered around six main food security themes to serve »