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fruits and vegetables

December 22, 2016Knowledge Portal
A scheme and training manual on good agricultural practices (GAP) for fruits and vegetables

This publication by FAO provides good Agricultural Practices (GAP) for fruits and vegetables during on-farm production and post-production processes resulting in safe agricultural products, ensuring a safe food supply. This publication comprises two volumes: Volume 1 documents the entire scheme and Volume 2 covers a training package on this scheme. »

November 10, 2016Knowledge Portal
Nutrition-sensitive value chains: the case of vegetables in Yayu biosphere reserve, Ethiopia

This report by PROIntenseAfrica provides advice on and prospects of the sustainable intensification of the value chains of different fruits and vegetables in Ethiopia and the potential impacts on the various stakeholders. There is growing recognition of the emergence of a “triple burden” of malnutrition with hunger, overconsumption, and micronutrient deficiency (“hidden hunger”) occurring simultaneously among low-income countries. »

October 19, 2016Knowledge Portal
Impact and cost-effectiveness of women’s training in home gardening and nutrition in Bangladesh

This study in the Journal of Development Effectiveness quantifies the impact and cost-effectiveness of training poor rural women in Bangladesh in home gardening and nutrition. It was found that the intervention significantly increased vegetable production, vegetable consumption and the micronutrient supply from the garden. »

June 29, 2016Knowledge Portal
Dutch Seeds Debate Report

In April, Agriterra organized the Dutch Seeds Debate in The Hague, the Netherlands. The debate is an element of ‘Small Farmers, Big Deal’, a campaign designed by Agriterra to connect companies to farmers.‘What can your organization do to support smallholder farmers in developing countries?’ This was the key question during the debate, which was attended by more than 90 representatives of the government, seed companies, research institutions and NGOs. These organizations were triggered to think about what they can do to support smallholder farmers. »

April 14, 2016Knowledge Portal
Policy and institutional frameworks impacting on vegetable seed production and distribution systems in Cameroon

This article in the Journal of Crop Improvement assesses policy and institutional frameworks impacting on vegetable seed production and distribution systems to establish benchmark indicators for successful integration and/or diversification of vegetables into existing farming systems in the humid forest area of Cameroon. »

March 24, 2016Knowledge Portal
Global and regional health effects of future food production under climate change

This report focuses on the wider health impacts of future changes in agricultural production. While much research focuses on questions on food security, less attention has been devoted to assessing the health impacts. In this modelling study, the authors estimate that the health impacts of climate change from changes in dietary and weight related risk factors could be significant, and exceed other climate-related health impacts that have been estimated. »