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youth employment

October 30, 2017Knowledge Portal
Rural transformation, cereals and youth in Africa: What role for international agricultural research?

This article examines the argument that the combination of agricultural value chains, technology and entrepreneurship will unlock a sweet spot for youth employment in Africa. This is done from a rural transformations perspective. »

October 26, 2017Knowledge Portal
Just farming? Neoliberal subjectivities and agricultural livelihoods among educated youth in Kenya

This article examines how and with what impacts educated youth in Kenya construct and perform new identities as farmers, distinct from the stigmatized smallholder farmers and in keeping with their status as elite, urbanized, social change makers. »

October 9, 2017Knowledge Portal
Tapping the economic and nutritional power of vegetables

This review article explores the potential for vegetables to provide new opportunities for economic growth for smallholder farmers in low-income countries and to advance food and nutrition security for consumers. »

September 21, 2017Knowledge Portal
Tapping the potential of rural youth

This journal discusses the need for action in the area of creating employment and income opportunities for young people. Initiatives addressing these issues from a wide range of countries throughout the world are demonstrated in this issue. »

September 12, 2017Knowledge Portal
Creating opportunities for young people in Ghana’s cocoa sector

This paper presents young people’s experiences of growing up in Ghana’s cocoa belt, and identifies key barriers to their involvement in the sector and highlights opportunities to promote their participation in cocoa farming. Based on findings from focus group discussions with youth aged 15-25 in the cocoa-growing belt and from key informant interviews, the key issues raised are access to land, finance, and skills development, as well as perceptions of the cocoa sector, particularly among women.  »

September 1, 2017Knowledge Portal
Rural youth employment

This report was prepared as an input to discussions on rural youth employment in the G20 Development Working Group. This focus on rural youth employment is essential, since youth are more likely than adults to be unemployed and a large share of youth live in rural areas. »