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April 14, 2016Knowledge Portal
Policy and institutional frameworks impacting on vegetable seed production and distribution systems in Cameroon

This article in the Journal of Crop Improvement assesses policy and institutional frameworks impacting on vegetable seed production and distribution systems to establish benchmark indicators for successful integration and/or diversification of vegetables into existing farming systems in the humid forest area of Cameroon. »

January 11, 2016Knowledge Portal
Biodegradable mulch – a solution for small-scale horticulture?

This article in The international journal Rural 21, focusses on the use of  a biodegradable alternative to polyethylene sheeting. Polyethylene sheeting is widely used in vegetable growing to create optimum mulch conditions for seedlings. It helps to control weeds, conserves soil moisture and increases soil temperature which generally has a positive effect on vegetable yield and quality. However, »

November 5, 2015Knowledge Portal
African leafy vegetables: a nutritious income source in Benin

This video ‘L’importance des legumes locaux – The importance of local vegetables’ (in French with English subtitles) on Biodiversity International explains about traditional leafy vegetables in Benin tells us about their important nutritional benefits and how they are grown, bought and sold in local food systems. Furthermore, the video highlights the contribution that these vegetables make to the livelihoods of farmers, market vendors, delivery service providers and other members of the vegetable value chain. »