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vegetable diversification

March 24, 2020Knowledge Portal
Sustainable food systems through diversification and indigenous vegetables: An analysis of the Southern Nakuru County

This report presents the results of multi-disciplinary research and dialogue activities in Kenya, using a ‘food systems approach’ in terms of sustainability and outcomes, a related governance analysis about the bottlenecks and drivers that make diversification of the food system difficult, with a focus on indigenous vegetables. An example of crosscutting solutions is a multi-stakeholder platform to regularly bring together all relevant actors. »

March 21, 2017Knowledge Portal
Vegetable diversification in cocoa-based farming systems Ghana

This study in the Agriculture & Food Security Journal assessed the extent of diversification of vegetables among farmers in Ghana’s cocoa belt and determined the factors that explain the variability in the diversification indices. It was found that marital status of the household head and total land endowment were the major determinants of diversification. »

September 28, 2016Knowledge Portal
Assessment of traditional African vegetable production in Burkina Faso

Lack of dietary diversity is a key causal factor of malnutrition in Burkina Faso because the population consumes mostly cereals crops. Nutrient‐dense traditional African vegetables provide an excellent means to complement cereal staples for better nutrition, in particular for women and children, as well as for income generation. This study in the Journal of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development characterized the production of traditional African vegetables in Burkina Faso based on a questionnaire administered to 250 respondents. »

April 14, 2016Knowledge Portal
Policy and institutional frameworks impacting on vegetable seed production and distribution systems in Cameroon

This article in the Journal of Crop Improvement assesses policy and institutional frameworks impacting on vegetable seed production and distribution systems to establish benchmark indicators for successful integration and/or diversification of vegetables into existing farming systems in the humid forest area of Cameroon. »