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GCP-1 midterm factsheet: Adapting pork production to local conditions in Brazil
March 14, 2017Research project
GCP-1 midterm factsheet: Adapting pork production to local conditions in Brazil

Please download the factsheet with midterm results of this GCP-1 project. »

March 14, 2017Knowledge Portal
Rwanda dairy competitiveness program II: Efficiency gains in dairy production systems decrease GHG emission intensity

This info-note by CGIAR, USAID and FAO presents the results on the decrease in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by the Rwanda Dairy Competitiveness Program II (RDCP). It was estimated to have resulted in a strong decrease in the GHG emissions intensity of milk production. The increase in milk output was proportionally much larger than the associated increase in GHG emissions. This increase in the efficiency of dairy production systems was the basis for a transformation to more sustainable production patterns in intensive and extensive dairy systems. »

February 10, 2017Knowledge Portal
Tree-based production systems for Africa’s drylands

This book, published by the World Bank, identifies some of the most promising investment opportunities at the level of tree-based systems, species (products), and well-defined management practices for accelerating rural economic growth in the drylands. This book is one of a series of thematic books prepared for the study, “Confronting Drought in Africa’s Drylands: Opportunities for Enhancing Resilience.”Trees, with their deep rooting systems, maintain their standing value and offer some production even in drought years. »

January 4, 2016Knowledge Portal
A rights-based food security principle for biomass production

This working paper aims to show how the right to food can be ensured in local biomass production and through certification systems in food insecure regions. The authors argue that until now food security aspects of biomass-based economies are hardly addressed because practical criteria and indicators are lacking. »

Report F&BKP introductory consultation meeting
March 27, 2014News
Report F&BKP introductory consultation meeting

On February 27, 2014, the Food & Business Knowledge Platform organized an introductory consultation meeting for organizations active in the field of food and nutrition security. Please find at the bottom of this article a link to the detailed report of the meeting. After a general introduction (download PDF) about the Platform by the Director »