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sustainable development goals (SDGs)

September 15, 2015Knowledge Portal
Optimizing Africa’s food systems

This article argues that the optimization of the agricultural sector in Africa is essential to achieve the SDGs and to ensure a healthy and prosperous Africa. The authors present different policy recommendations that, in their opinion, will not only ensure food security but also will promote inclusive growth. »

August 3, 2015Knowledge Portal
Ending poverty and hunger by 2030: an agenda for the global food system

This report by the World Bank identifies key issues where the global food system should improve. The food system must become more sustainable. It must also raise the agricultural productivity of poor farmers, improve nutritional outcomes, and broadly adopt climate-smart agriculture that can withstand and mitigate climate change. »

July 15, 2015Knowledge Portal
The State of Food Insecurity in the World (SOFI) 2015

This year´s annual State of Food Insecurity in the World report by the Food and Agriculture Organisation, takes stock of progress made towards achieving the internationally established Millennium Development Goal (MDG1) and World Food Summit hunger targets and reflects on what needs to be done, as we transition to the new post-2015 Sustainable Development Agenda. »

July 14, 2015Knowledge Portal
Nutrition and the post-2015 development agenda: Seizing the opportunity

This annual publication brings together several papers and opinion articles on nutrition and shows the way in which the SDGs could elevate and focus attention on the urgency of eliminating malnutrition. Many of the contributors in this issue make the case that nutrition is a foundational investment that will underpin progress towards many of the other SDGs. »

May 18, 2015Knowledge Portal
Financing Sustainable Development: Implementing the SDGs through Effective Investment Strategies and Partnerships.

This working paper (PDF) by the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (UNSDSN) provides a roadmap for the Financing for Sustainable Development discussions in the lead-up to the Addis Conference. The paper focuses on a broad array of issues and examines some of the key questions involved in designing new institutions to handle the long-term, complex investments needed for key sustainable development priorities. Chapter 5.3 covers Sustainable agriculture, food systems, and improved nutrition. »

CGIAR Development Dialogues
October 1, 2014
CGIAR Development Dialogues

The first CGIAR Development Dialogues were held on 25 September 2014.  The event intended to focus global attention on the fundamental roles of agriculture, livestock, fisheries, forestry, landscapes, and food systems – and demonstrated how these areas are fundamental to achieving the emerging UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The event coincided with the UN General Assembly, the »