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Future applicability of effective “Drivers for Change” to reduce postharvest food losses
November 26, 2015News
Future applicability of effective “Drivers for Change” to reduce postharvest food losses
Theme: Food Wastage

The F&BKP Office has contracted the Food & Biobased Research institute of Wageningen University to conduct a study on “Drivers for Change” that focus on reducing postharvest food losses and improving food value chains. »

October 22, 2015Knowledge Portal
Sustainable evaluation and verification in supply chains: Aligning and leveraging accountability to stakeholders

This article in the Journal of Operations Management, synthesizes a model that proposes how firms might address accountability for sustainability issues in their supply chain. At its core, the construct of sustainable evaluation and verification (SEV) captures three interrelated dimensions: inclusivity, scope, and disclosure. These dimensions characterize how supply chain processes might identify key measures, collect and process data, and finally, verify materiality, reliability and accuracy of any data and resulting information. »

Agrofood supply chain efficiency for food and nutrition security
July 2, 2015News
Agrofood supply chain efficiency for food and nutrition security
Theme: Food Wastage

The international conference No More Food to Waste – Global action to stop food losses and food waste – was held in The Hague, the Netherlands from June 16-19, 2015. It brought together global leaders from international agencies, businesses, investment groups, research institutions and civil society. During the symposium they could share their experiences and »

March 31, 2015Knowledge Portal
Oxfam-Unilever ‘project Sunrise’: enhancing livelihoods while strengthening supply chains

Unilever and Oxfam collaborated in the project ‘Sunrise’, which brought together the development aims of Oxfam with the sustainable sourcing efforts of Unilever. Together they explored how to build sustainable smallholder-based supply chains that could grow its business while reducing poverty for marginalised communities. The project studied pilot projects producing dehydrated vegetables, tea, tomatoes and »

March 3, 2015Knowledge Portal
Doing business with nature: opportunities from natural capital

The University of Cambridge and the Natural Capital Leaders Platform published the report, Doing Business with Nature: opportunities from natural capital (PDF), which aims to engage industry in a review of the global challenges around water, biodiversity and soil and showcases the extent to which companies are working together to develop new interventions in the »

Launch of the Dutch Postharvest Network
December 18, 2014News
Launch of the Dutch Postharvest Network
Theme: Food Wastage

On December 4, 2014 the Postharvest Network was launched during a kick off event in the Hof van Wageningen. The Postharvest Network aims to reduce food losses by implementing practical and proven solutions in the food supply chain of fresh products. It is a network of Dutch specialized companies, knowledge institutes like Wageningen University and »