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November 16, 2016Knowledge Portal
Land-use choices follow profitability at the expense of ecological functions in Indonesian smallholder landscapes

This article elaborates on the decision-making of Indonesian smallholder farmers and their impact on ecological functions. It finds that land-use choices of Indonesian smallholders predominantly favor farm portfolios with high economic productivity but low ecological value. Smallholder-dominated agricultural mosaic landscapes are highlighted as model production systems that deliver both economic and ecological goods in tropical agricultural landscapes, but trade-offs underlying current land-use dynamics are poorly known. »

November 10, 2016Knowledge Portal
Agricultural intensification in Mali and Sudan through improved soil fertility, integrated pest management and mechanization

This report by PROIntenseAfrica discusses the role of improved farm power and mechanization, seed priming, improved soil fertility (microdosing) and Integrated Pest Management (IPM) practices in the intensification of agricultural production in Mali and Sudan. Capacity building, awareness creation through farmers training and access to credits are crucial for the adoption and sustainable use of agricultural technologies in Mali and Sudan. Given the very high loss due to pest damage, intensification of crop production without an adequate protection from pest damage is not economically viable. »

October 31, 2016Knowledge Portal
What evidence exists for the effectiveness of on‑farm conservation land management strategies for preserving ecosystem services in developing countries? A systematic map

This article provides a coherent systhesis and review of the evidence of claims of on-farm conservation land management strategies and agro-ecology. An extensive body of evidence in the field of agro-ecology claims to show the positive effects that maintenance of ecosystem services can have on meeting future food demand by making farms more sustainable, productive and resilient, which then contributes to improved nutrition and livelihoods of farmers. »

Fifteenth F&BKP newsletter
September 30, 2016News
Fifteenth F&BKP newsletter

The September newsletter of the Food & Business Knowledge Platform (F&BKP) is filled with nine news items on results of F&BKP affiliated research, calls and events.  We would like to draw your attention to the Knowledge Portal, which is going through some changes, including the addition of more topics in the field of food and nutrition security. You can »

Report regional workshop on Compost for Sustainable Agriculture
September 28, 2016Knowledge activity
Report regional workshop on Compost for Sustainable Agriculture
Theme: Soil Management

Enhancing the knowledge and raising awareness about uses, challenges and potentials of organic nutrient sources was among the core objectives of a regional workshop by the Fertile Ground Initiative and CIAT held in Nairobi early September 2016. »

August 20, 2016Knowledge Portal
Community innovations in sustainable land management

This book analyses community initiatives in sustainable land management in four contrasting African countries. It is increasingly recognized that land can be managed most sustainable through involving local communities. This book highlights the potential of a new methodology of uncovering and stimulating community initiatives through analyzing the countries Ghana, Morocco, South Africa and Uganda. »