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August 6, 2015Knowledge Portal
Catalysing innovation: from theory to action

This paper (PDF) by KIT looks at the process of agricultural innovation and the realistic contribution agricultural research can make. To be able to analyse the process of agricultural innovation, three elements are distinguished: 1) opportunity assessment to identify ‘entry points for change’; 2) experimentation, leading to ‘tested and tried promising new practices’; and 3) »

Call for proposals – Southeast Asia and Europe Pilot Joint Call for Mobility
July 16, 2015News
Call for proposals – Southeast Asia and Europe Pilot Joint Call for Mobility

The Southeast Asia – Europe Pilot Joint Call for Mobility in the thematic areas of Food, Environment, or Health research is now open for proposals. Researchers can apply for funding for projects with at least 2 partners from both regions in the fields of Food (agricultural productivity, sustainability and standards, value chain), Environmental (climate change, »

June 25, 2015Knowledge Portal
Critical Role of Animal Science Research in Food Security and Sustainability

This book “Critical Role of Animal Science Research in Food Security and Sustainability” identifies areas of research and development, technology, and resource needs for research in the field of animal agriculture, both nationally and internationally. The report assesses the global demand for products of animal origin in 2050 within the framework of ensuring global food security and evaluates how climate change and natural resource constraints may impact the ability to meet future global demand for animal products in sustainable production systems. »

CGIAR Research Program on Dryland Cereals - Call for Doctoral Research Grants
March 5, 2015News
CGIAR Research Program on Dryland Cereals – Call for Doctoral Research Grants

The Dryland Cereals Scholarship Program of the CGIAR Research Program on Dryland Cereals is sponsoring and supporting a call for Doctoral Research Grants. The call is designed to increase agricultural research capacity of dryland cereal crops, i.e. barley, finger millet, pearl millet and sorghum. The application deadline March 30, 2015. Where appropriate, the grantees are »

NWO-WOTRO Food & Business Research projects
February 25, 2015News
NWO-WOTRO Food & Business Research projects

Within the Food & Business Knowledge Platform, all awarded NWO-WOTRO Food & Business Research projects of GCP and ARF can connect with relevant partners to improve their research and work on various research uptake and impact activities. The F&BKP supports these activities by: Publishing the research projects, progress, (intermediate) results and events on the F&BKP »

International Foundation for Science (IFS) Grants for Early-Career Research in Developing Countries
November 17, 2014News
International Foundation for Science (IFS) Grants for Early-Career Research in Developing Countries

The International Foundation on Science (IFS) has opened a Call for Early-Career Research in Developing Countries. One of the themes young academia can apply for is “Food Security, Dietary Diversity and Healthy Livelihoods”. The deadline for submission of individual research grant applications is December 31, 2014. Throughout the coming decade the primary focus of the »