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public-private partnership (ppp)

Explorations 03: A portfolio scan of the Facility for Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Food Security
April 14, 2016Study
Explorations 03: A portfolio scan of the Facility for Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Food Security
Theme: Partnerships

In March 2016, PPPLab published a new working document “Explorations 03” which presents an initial analysis of the portfolio of projects approved under the first call of the Facility for Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Food Security (FDOV). It seeks to get to grips with the basic “change logic” of these projects from a PPP perspective. »

How African entrepreneurs in agro and food create commercial and social impact
November 6, 2015Knowledge activity
How African entrepreneurs in agro and food create commercial and social impact
Theme: Inclusive Business

On October 27 the 2SCALE consortium organized the conference “Food for thought” Made in Africa, for Africa!” in The Hague, the Netherlands. The event focused on inclusive agribusiness and food security in Africa and highlighted successful African agribusiness. »

Ninth F&BKP Newsletter
October 23, 2015News
Ninth F&BKP Newsletter

In its October newsletter the F&BKP Office presents various knowledge products recently developed within the Food & Business Knowledge Platform (F&BKP). These include the complete report of the CGIAR Public-Private Sector Event on agricultural research partnerships, a brochure on valorization of agricultural knowledge in international Public-Private Partnerships, and a news item about the successful Food & Business »

How to Design and Facilitate Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships
October 9, 2015Study
How to Design and Facilitate Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships
Theme: Partnerships

“Multi-stakeholder partnerships (MSPs) are about changing something with others”, said Herman Brouwer, during the launch of a new book, “The MSP Guide: How to Design and Facilitate Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships” by the Centre of Development Innovation (CDI) of Wageningen University & Research centre on October 6, 2015. “When building a multi-stakeholder partnership, it is important to »

Video impression of CGIAR Public-Private Sector event
October 6, 2015Knowledge activity
Video impression of CGIAR Public-Private Sector event

The Consortium of International Agricultural Research Centers (CGIAR Consortium) is developing new research programs for the period 2017-2022 and seeks to work more closely with the private sector in its new strategy. CGIAR has already good examples of cooperation and success, but there is more potential. Together with Dutch co-organizers, a CGIAR Public-Private Sector event »

Capitalizing on knowledge in international public-private partnerships
June 4, 2015News
Capitalizing on knowledge in international public-private partnerships

The Ministry of Economic Affairs, department of Agriculture and Nature Knowledge, and the Food & Business Knowledge Platform together with Wageningen University & Research centre organized an expert meeting on the development of international PPPs and the valorization of knowledge by knowledge institutes and the private sector. Researchers from Wageningen UR presented the results of »