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November 22, 2018Knowledge Portal
Effective public investments to improve food security

This policy brief identifies the most effective and efficient ways to invest in improving food security. A key message is that context matters. Successful interventions stressed the importance of prior analysis or a baseline assessment. Improved food security is often the result of multiple, well-designed interventions. »

October 16, 2018Knowledge Portal
Transforming agriculture in Africa & Asia: What are the policy priorities?

This report summarizes government policies and public investments that have driven agricultural transformation in Africa, Asia and Latin America. A key finding is that the availability and fertility of agricultural land and population dynamics are core to the role of agriculture in economic transformation. »

July 30, 2018Knowledge Portal
Agricultural policy incentives in sub-Saharan Africa in the last decade (2005–2016)

This synthesis study summarizes policy monitoring indicators for 14 sub-Saharan African countries. These indicators are commonly used to assess the extent of policy support to agriculture. Results indicate increasing support to farmers in the form of price incentives. »

May 22, 2018Knowledge Portal
Future of food: Maximizing finance for development in agricultural value chains

This paper provides important details on maximizing finance for development in agricultural value chains. It highlights financing gaps, identifies a range of potential funding sources, and suggests possible actions to help crowd-in more private investment, while optimizing the use of public resources.  »

May 7, 2018Knowledge Portal
Private and public costs and benefits of implementing a quality-based milk payment system in Kenya

This study assesses the model of dairy processor Happy Cow Ltd as a pilot to introduce a quality-based milk payment systems (QBMPS) in Kenya that integrates smallholders as suppliers. QBMPSs could successfully control and improve the milk quality in Kenya along the dairy chain. »

March 30, 2018Knowledge Portal
Youth for growth: Transforming economies through agriculture

This report provides a framework for the joint objective of global youth engagement and global food security. According to the authors, it is crucial that policymakers adopt a youth-inclusive agricultural development agenda aimed at transforming the agrifood system. »