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June 17, 2019Knowledge Portal
Food systems: From concept to practice and vice versa (Including decision-support tool)

This working paper summarizes academic litarature on food systems and systems thinking, in order to inform a system approach for the development of food and nutrition security (FNS) programming. Also a decision-support tool is developed to translate the insights on food systems invo actionable recommendations for FNS programming. »

December 17, 2018Knowledge Portal
The Scaling Scan: a practical tool to determine the potential to scale

Impact at scale is needed to address critical global issues like water availability, sanitation, food security, access to clean energy and environmental concerns. But at the same time we all seem to wonder what scaling actually means in practice: how can our policy or project activities contribute to reach impact at scale? The PPPLab, studied to what it realistically takes to scale, and developed a practical tool that helps projects to identify strengths and weaknesses of their scaling strategies.  »