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July 26, 2018Knowledge Portal
Access to finance in agribusiness partnerships

This paper shares the successes and lessons learned to improve access to finances (A2F). A2F enables smallholder farmers to invest in crop protection and farm inputs to improve yield and quality and help them integrate into commercial markets. »

Future PPPs: transformative engines contributing to public objectives
June 27, 2018Expert opinion
Future PPPs: transformative engines contributing to public objectives

Breakout session 3 of IOB public dialogue Dutch food security policy on May 31, 2018. The private sector plays an important role in all phases of the food system. It is evident that the Dutch government needs to collaborate with private enterprises amongst others in implementing its food security policy. »

June 20, 2018Knowledge Portal
Partnering for value: Lessons from Public Private Producer Partnerships (4Ps) in practice

This paper outlines factors that are important for successful Public Private Producer Partnerships (4Ps) business cases. A major conclusion is that there is a sound basis for the role of 4Ps in rural development. Long-term 4Ps can contribute to development of agricultural value chains. »

Learning trajectory on Green Education in Partnerships
June 15, 2018Knowledge activity
Learning trajectory on Green Education in Partnerships

The Borderless Network initiative developed a common ambition and agenda for the internationalization of green education. HAS University of Applied Sciences – on behalf of the Borderless Network, and financed by the F&BKP – executed a learning trajectory. The study focused on different partnership modalities between green education institutes and other actors. The analysis was discussed in several meetings which resulted in recommendations for the Borderless Network and its members.  »

January 9, 2018Knowledge Portal
From aid to trade: Enhancing effective & proactive partnerships in food value chain

This output report documents the Food Security Partners’ Day themed “From Aid to Trade: Enhancing Effective and Proactive Partnerships in Food Production Value Chain”, which was organized on 24th October 2017 by the Embassy of the Kingdom of The Netherlands in Nairobi. The topics covered were inclusivity and scalability. »

August 21, 2017Knowledge Portal
Do theories of change enable innovation platforms and partnerships to navigate towards impact?

This working paper examines how theories of change (ToCs) have enabled practitioners to navigate towards impact in settings characterized by a multiplicity of views from different actors on issues of joint concern. ToCs are increasingly used to articulate pathways for interventions and to support learning. »