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Measuring the Food Environment
April 14, 2020Knowledge activity
Measuring the Food Environment
Theme: Nutrition Security

As a follow-up to the food systems consultations held in Ethiopia and Bangladesh, the CGIAR research flagship Food Systems for Healthier Diets (FSHD), led by WUR and part of A4NH, hosted a “Food Environment” workshop with CGIAR partners in Ethiopia November, 2019. The workshop aimed to explore the concept of food environment and related research. »

What's next for CGIAR?
February 17, 2020Expert opinion
What’s next for CGIAR?

CGIAR with its 15 research institutions around the world, mostly Global South, is on a reform path. Some old hands will smile, again? Yes, again. Some institutional reform gurus will applaud: you should never stop renewing and reinventing yourself. Wijnand van IJssel sheds his light on the complete overhaul to “One CGIAR”. »

December 5, 2019Knowledge Portal
Food systems and nutrition: Emerging evidence and research opportunities

This review identified opportunities for action that could contribute to systemic change that improves diet quality, particularly for nutritionally vulnerable people in low income settings. The review summarizes research findings and presents future research opportunities, as well as several cross-cutting issues that have implications across the food system. »

November 7, 2019Knowledge Portal
Seeds of change: The power of fruits and vegetables to improve nutrition in Tanzania

This report examined the imperative role of fruits and vegetables in combating malnutrition in Tanzania. The major barrier to individual and household consumption of fruits and vegetables was lack of knowledge, including a basic misunderstanding of nutritional needs versus hunger, generational misinformation on cooking vegetables too long to cleanse them of pesticides, and taboos concerning the effects of certain vegetables on male reproductive health. »

October 28, 2019Knowledge Portal
The State of the World’s Children 2019: Children, food and nutrition

The State of the World’s Children 2019 examines children’s malnutrition today and sets an agenda to put children’s nutrition first. Improving children’s nutrition requires food systems to deliver nutritious, safe, affordable and sustainable diets for all children. Thereby, food environments are crucial. »

September 12, 2019Knowledge Portal
Economic evaluations of multi-sectoral actions for health and nutrition

This brief focuses on the challenge of measuring and comparing health improvements from programmes and policies affecting agricultural production, farmers’ livelihoods and the food environment of urban and rural households »