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Fit-to-Purpose strategies by Dutch agrofood companies
May 5, 2017Study
Fit-to-Purpose strategies by Dutch agrofood companies
Theme: Inclusive Business

Mid 2015, Pure Birds and the Postharvest Network, supported by the F&BKP, started a programme around Fit-to-Purpose strategies of Dutch agrofood companies. Two events were organized and as a follow-up a position paper and three factsheets on the Fit-to-Purpose strategies of DADTCO, Geerlofs and Growpact were published. »

What’s new in inclusive agribusiness
April 28, 2017Study
What’s new in inclusive agribusiness
Theme: Inclusive Business

Seas of Change and the Practitioner Hub for Inclusive Business have launched a bumper theme on “What’s new in inclusive agribusiness”. The series is inspired by the workshop “Towards a global research and learning agenda for inclusive agribusiness”, which was held in Brighton early March 2017. »

April 27, 2017Knowledge Portal
Making creativity a job engine for rural Africa: Panel discussion highlights role of young entrepreneurs

This article describes the main messages of a panel discussion on youth employment in rural Africa. One of the important challenge for Africa will be to make the rural economy a place of opportunity for the young. According to the young Africans who attended the discussion, one of the reasons that this is not yet happening is the lack of investment. »

April 26, 2017Knowledge Portal
Despite hardships: Women running own households provide model of empowerment and innovation

This blog discusses stories of resilience, change and achievement emerging from the testimonies of women running their own households. A recent study shows that many of the “unattached” women in the sample rated themselves as strongly empowered by their experiences with running their households and with managing their own farms. »

April 14, 2017Knowledge Portal
Innovate for agriculture: Young ICT entrepreneurs overcoming challenges and transforming agriculture

This booklet presents 20 ICT-enable entrepreneurial ventures created by young innovators form African and Carribean countries. A key message that comes out of their stories is the need for all stakeholders to develop holistic strategies that can build youth agribusiness capacities and advance this novel type of agro-entrepreneurship. »

March 30, 2017Knowledge Portal
Soil and soil fertility management research in sub-Saharan Africa: Fifty years of shifting visions and chequered achievements

This book published describes the various concepts and approaches underlying soil and soil fertility management research in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) over the last fifty years. It argues that knowledge on soil fertility management is crucial for sustainable crop production and food security in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). The book provides examples of important innovations and assesses the position of research within the research-to-development continuum, »