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June 11, 2020Knowledge Portal
Land access in the development of horticultural crops in East Africa: A case study of passion fruit in Burundi, Kenya and Rwanda

This research evaluated land access dynamics (availability, acquisition, and use changes) on the introduction of passion fruits in East Africa (Kenya, Burundi and Rwanda). aAdoption of high-value horticultural crops is supported for the increased income of rural farmers in East Africa, however, constraints on land access may limit the achievement of optimum income from the cultivation of these crops. »

June 28, 2017Knowledge Portal
Fruit production and consumption: Practices, preferences and attitudes of women in rural western Kenya

This study identified practices, preferences, attitudes and decision-making for fruit consumption, production, and use of income generated from these activities. Additionally, it assessed the contribution of fruits to closing nutritional gaps in Western Kenya during two different (rainy and dry) seasons. »

August 3, 2015Knowledge Portal
Fruit consumption and production: habits, preferences and attitudes of rural households in Western Kenya

Currently, fruit consumption in Eastern Africa is far below recommended allowances and has implications for micronutrient malnutrition while little is known about the patterns and determinants of fruit production, consumption and marketing. The main research question of this paper (PDF) by Bioversity International and the World Agroforestry Centre was therefore: what are key trends in gender-disaggregated preferences, attitudes and decision-making processes of rural households for fruit consumption, production, and income generated from this activity? »