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food consumption patterns

March 29, 2017Knowledge Portal
Reducing post-harvest losses to increase the value of vegetable products

This policy brief discusses the post-harvest losses of vegetable products in West Africa and recommendations to reduce these losses. Currently, substantial amount of vegetables products are lost through limited availability of technologies and related infrastructure for post-harvest activities. Several issues contriburing to the food loss are discussed and various recommendations are given in this policy brief to tackle the problems associated with the post-harvest losses. »

March 16, 2017Knowledge Portal
Regional overview of food insecurity: Europe and Central Asia

This report analyzes a wealth of country data on dietary energy supply, undernourishment indicators and consumption patterns in Europe and Central Asia. The report points to a pattern whereby countries progress from dealing predominantly with undernutrition and micronutrient deficiencies, to coping with degenerative diseases associated with increased dietary fat, sugar, meat and dairy, and processed foods, linked to overnutrition. Today, 13 percent of the population of the region lives in countries suffering from a “triple burden”. »

March 9, 2017Knowledge Portal
Guidelines on assessing biodiverse foods in dietary intake surveys

This report provides new scientific guidelines for collecting information on food biodiversity through dietary surveys. The authors argue that information on food consumption goes hand in hand with information on food composition and both are essential building blocks for nutrition science. Rather than debate which element should come first in research, the authors argue that joint efforts are needed to gain a better understanding of consumption and composition of food biodiversity. »

March 9, 2017Knowledge Portal
Guidelines on assessing biodiverse foods in dietary intake surveys

This report provides new scientific guidelines for collecting information on food biodiversity through dietary surveys. The authors argue that information on food consumption goes hand in hand with information on food composition and both are essential building blocks for nutrition science. Rather than debate which element should come first in research, the authors argue that joint efforts are needed to gain a better understanding of consumption and composition of food biodiversity. »

February 28, 2017Knowledge Portal
Assessing the environmental impacts of livestock and fish production

This brief by the CGIAR Research Program on Livestock and Fish introduces different streams of work to develop and test tools to assess the environmental impacts of livestock and fish production in developing countries. As demand for livestock products continues to grow, driven by rising population and dietary shifts, there is an urgent need to develop strategies to reduce the environmental footprints and GHG emission intensity from livestock. The first step in this process is to develop tools to estimate potential impacts of such strategies. »

February 14, 2017Knowledge Portal
From corn to popcorn? Urbanization and food consumption in Sub-Sahara Africa: Evidence from rural-urban migrants in Tanzania

This paper aims to improve our understanding of the impact of rural-urban transition from a micro-level perspective, using evidence from Tanzania. This study will be the first to assess the impact of urbanization on food consumption through comparing individuals’ food consumption patterns before and after they have migrated from rural to urban areas. »