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economic diversification

June 19, 2017Knowledge Portal
Trade-offs for climate-resilient pastoral livelihoods in wildlife conservancies in the Mara ecosystem, Kenya

This article investigates the ability of wildlife conservancies in Kenya, to act as an alternative for pastoralists that mitigates risks and maintains resilience in a changing climate. The paper analyses how conservancies contribute to and integrate with pastoral livelihoods, and how pastoralists are managing their livestock herds in response to conservancies. »

December 5, 2016Knowledge Portal
Structural transformation to boost youth labour demand in sub-Saharan Africa: The role of agriculture, rural areas and territorial development

This paper by the International Labour Organization (ILO), explores the opportunities that economic diversification offers to foster structural transformation in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) while absorbing the growing youth labour force and providing them with the requisite skills. The paper focuses on structural transformation and the identification of possible building blocks for boosting youth employment in SSA. »

January 5, 2016Knowledge Portal
The effect of specialty coffee certification on household livelihood strategies and specialisation

This article analyses the effect of specialty coffee certification on income diversification of smallholders and questions the benefits of this certification for them. Smallholder coffee producers are responsible for 80% of global coffee production and need farm certification to access specialty coffee markets. Although rural households are known to depend on more than agricultural production alone, the literature on specialty coffee and certification has rather narrowly focused on coffee income and production. In this study, broader impacts are explicitly taken into account. »

July 7, 2015Knowledge Portal
Rural economic diversification in sub-Saharan Africa

This working paper discusses emerging policy implications for economic diversification in rural sub-Saharan Africa. While continuing to prioritize rural investments in the economic and social sectors, governments should mainstream rural development within national strategies and commit to the long term. »