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Netherlands-CGIAR partnership launches call to fund senior CGIAR experts
May 22, 2018News
Netherlands-CGIAR partnership launches call to fund senior CGIAR experts

Within the framework of the Netherlands – CGIAR partnership, a call for Senior Expert Candidates has been launched. Senior experts employed by Dutch research organizations and involved in CGIAR research or management, are offered a chance to spend (more) time on their CGIAR activities, since they will be able to apply for a grant that enables them to cover part of their personnel costs. Deadline for the first assessment round is July 5, 2018. »

Granted GCP projects scaling up Climate Smart Agriculture
November 9, 2017News
Granted GCP projects scaling up Climate Smart Agriculture

WOTRO, in collaboration with the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) and the F&BKP, granted eight projects in the fourth call within the Global Challenges Programme (GCP). The call focuses on contributing to business models, incentives and innovative finance for scaling Climate Smart Agriculture. »

F&BKP newsletter July 2017 (#04)
July 14, 2017News
F&BKP newsletter July 2017 (#04)

The July newsletter of the Food & Business Knowledge Platform (F&BKP) gives details on the financial commitment of the Netherlands to CGIAR’s work in agri-food system research for development. Furthermore information is presented on various food & nutrition security related workshops, studies and events. »

Eighty million Euro for Agri-food system research for development: NL-CGIAR partnership
July 13, 2017News
Eighty million Euro for Agri-food system research for development: NL-CGIAR partnership

The Government of the Netherlands confirmed the new multi-year Netherlands-CGIAR strategic partnership to strengthen collaboration in agri-food system research for development. This partnership program has been prepared with stakeholders from the Netherlands and the CGIAR System Organization. »

Introducing the CGIAR Collaborative Platform for Gender Research
March 8, 2017News
Introducing the CGIAR Collaborative Platform for Gender Research

Today, on International Women’s Day, the CGIAR Collaborative Platform for Gender Research is publicly launched. It aims to increase the visibility, impact and knowledge sharing of gender research undertaken across the CGIAR. »

Vacancy Senior Performance Management Officer, CGIAR
January 27, 2017News
Vacancy Senior Performance Management Officer, CGIAR

CGIAR is looking for a Senior Performance Management Officer, located in Montpellier, France. Send application letter and CV until February 10, 2017. »